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How to reset administrator password on Windows Server 2019

Hello! Next, we will continue to explore the world of Windows Server 2019. To be specific, let’s explain a very sensitive aspect of system security. It is about the administrator password. Of course, the use of a secure password is one of the most important security measures, as it prevents unauthorized access to the system. Additionally, when we install Windows Server 2019, the system asks us to assign the password of the administrator user. If you want more information on how to install windows server 2019, check here. This account is local and has elevated privileges to run processes on the system and its services. As you can see, this password is a sensitive part of the system security. Also, if for some reason we forget it, we will not be able to access the system. So, here I show you how to reset the administrator password in Windows Server 2019.


  • A DVD or USB with the Windows Server 2019 boot image.

Recovering Windows Server 2019 administrator password using CMD.

In the first place, please enter your DVD or USB and start the system as if you were going to format it. When the installation window appears, please click Next to continue.

Windows Server 2019 Installation screen
Windows Server 2019 Installation screen

In the next screen, you have to click on repair your computer

Click on repair your computer
Click on repair your computer

Here are 3 options: Continue, Troubleshoot and Turn off your PC. You have to select the 2nd option Troubleshoot.

Select troubleshooter
Select troubleshooter
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When redirected to the following window, please select Command Prompt

Select Command Prompt
Select Command Prompt

Using the Command Prompt

A CMD will open immediately. Once there you must run the following commands textually:

cd Windows
cd System32
move utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak
copy cmd.exe utilman.exe
net user administrator /active:yes
shutdown -r -t 0

If all goes well, the Command Prompt should look like this:

Command Prompt running the required commands
Command Prompt running the required commands

Commands have to be entered one by one. Additionally, let’s see what commands we’re running in the system. With the first 3 commands, we place ourselves in the unit where Windows Server is installed, and we navigate specifically to the System32 folder. The 4th command we introduce makes a backup of the utilman executable in case we want to restore it later. The next command allows replacing the Administrator of Utilities in the start screen by the cmd.exe. This is essential, as we will be able to modify the password using Command Prompter. The subsequent command activates the administrator user. Finally, the last command we enter restarts the server. Please note that you need to enter the commands as I leave them here so as not to make any configuration errors.

After entering the last of the commands, the server will restart. Once on the home screen press the Win+U combination. Straightaway, a CMD will open where you have to enter the next command:

net user administrator newpassword 

Where newpassword is the new password that you will assign to the Windows Server administrator. The command prompt should look like this:

Setting a new administrator password using CMD
Setting a new administrator password using CMD

After setting the password, enter Exit to exit the CMD and return to the home screen. Then, enter the new password you just created. You should be able to access it without any problems.

Entering the new password
Entering the new password

However, if you want to restore the original values, you just have to repeat the process using the following command:

del utilman.exe ren utilman.exe.bak utilman.exe


As can be seen, the procedure for reset the administrator password on Windows Server is not complicated to execute. However, some users are reluctant to use CMD. But, by exactly following the instructions we give you, you will be able to recover access quickly. Before I say goodbye, I would like to invite you to join our Facebook group. All right, that’s it for now, see you next time.

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