12 C

How to register and override DLL files in Windows 10

Windows 10 is a system of enormous complexity. Therefore, it requires many components to work well. One of these components is the DLL libraries. Indeed, these files are essential for the proper functioning of installed apps. They even include elements such as commands, graphics, and fonts. However, mistakes can happen. Because when installing a program, the DLL files are not registered correctly. Or during the update, the link between it and the program is broken. Therefore, today we will see how to solve it. See how to register and override DLL files in Windows 10.

Characteristics of DLL files.

DLL files are Dynamic Link Libraries. In addition, they consist of executable code that makes up an application. By means of them, it is possible to run the installed applications. With the implementation, it was possible to reduce the size of executable files. Since an important portion of the code is stored in the DLLs. In addition, they improve the performance of the system. Because they increase memory utilization. In addition to increasing the speed of execution of the applications.

On the other hand, an unregistered DLL file implies problems. Some Windows functions may not work. Even causing the dreaded blue screen of death, reboots, and crashes. Therefore, it is advisable to know how to register a DLL file.

How to register DLL files in Windows

We have two ways of doing this. On the one hand, it is possible to register all files at once. This is very useful if we do not know the name of the problematic DLL file. On the other hand, we can register a particular DLL file. The best option is if we know the name of the element. With this in mind, we will use the Regsvr32 command. In addition, it will serve both to register and to unregister DLL registries in the system.

Register all DLL files.

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Please note that you have to use the command prompt. Also, launch it as administrator. This way, we avoid any execution problems. With this intention, press Win+Q and type CMD. Then select the corresponding option:

Launching a CMD as administrator.
Launching a CMD as administrator.

Now run the following command:

for %x in (c:windowssystem32*.dll) do regsvr32 %x

This command will take care of registering the DLL files found in your path. We can also register all DLLs, regardless of their location. To do this, use the following command:

for %1 in (*.dll) do regsvr32 /s %1

How to register only one DLL file.

This option is viable if we know the name of the problematic DLL file. With this intention, use the following syntax:

regsvr32 "path and name of the dll file"

How to override a DLL file

As mentioned, the command serves both purposes. So it also allows you to override DLL files. To do so, we will use the following syntax:

regsvr32 /u "path and name of the dll file"

We can also uninstall the DLL file while canceling the registration. To do this, use the /i parameter after /u. All right, ultimately we have seen how to register and override DLL files in Windows 10, which allows you to improve system performance. See you soon!

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