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How to pause Windows 10 updates

Hello! Operating system upgrades are usually beneficial. Indeed, they can sometimes be problematic in Windows 10. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to pause these updates momentarily. This way, if there is a problem, you will keep your system safe. Moreover, you will be able to install the update after Microsoft has fixed it. Additionally, this action can be done from the system configuration. Read on to learn how to pause Windows 10 updates.

How to momentarily stop Windows 10 updates.

The first thing you need to know is that it is possible to pause updates for 7 days. Follow the steps below to do so. First, go to Windows Settings. Once there, please click on Update & Security.

Please go to update and security.
Please go to update and security.

This action will take you to Windows updates. There you can see if there are any pending updates. But if you scroll down to the bottom, you will see the option to pause updates for 7 days. After doing this, Windows will stop receiving updates during this period of time. Which is the time period established by Microsoft for a temporary pause.

Pausing updates for 7 days.
Pausing updates for 7 days.

How to pause Windows updates until a certain date.

The above method is very fast and easy. But it only allows you to pause updates for 7 days only. If you want more control, then you can use the following method. Please follow the same route as in the previous section:

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Windows Settings>Windows Update

However, when scrolling down please click on Advanced options.

Please enter the advanced options.
Please enter the advanced options.

In effect, advanced options related to Windows updates will be displayed. For example, receive updates from other Microsoft products and the type of download. But what we really care about is to Pause updates. For this reason, scroll down to the bottom and click on Select date. Then the possible dates to pause the updates will be displayed.

Consequently, no updates will be received until the scheduled date. If you are reluctant, just repeat the procedure and assign tomorrow’s date. You will receive the updates again soon. Okay, so we have seen how to pause Windows 10 updates. We also show you two possible methods according to your convenience. See you soon!

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