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How to open Windows 10 Mobility Center

Hello! There are many types of users of Windows 10. As it depends on the type of hardware used. That is, the system is adapted to desktop or laptop computers. In fact, Microsoft incorporates a function called Mobility Center for laptops. This Dashboard allows you to manage certain aspects of the computer. For example, the battery, the brightness, the connected screens, and the synchronization profiles. Well, the mobility center allows quick access to these elements. In this post, we will see different ways to open the Mobility Center in Windows 10.

How to open the mobility center from the search bar.

The first method is as simple as typing Mobility from the search bar. With this intention, click on the search bar or press the Win+Q combination:

Open the mobility center from the search bar.
Open the mobility center from the search bar.

Open the Mobility Center from the home context menu

The context menu of the Windows start menu is very complete. In fact, it is also possible to access the Mobility Center from there. To do so, just press the Win+X combination or right-click on the Start menu.

Opening the mobility centre from the home context menu.
Opening the mobility center from the home context menu.

Open Windows 10 Mobility Center from Control Panel

It is also possible to access this menu from the control panel. With this in mind, open the Control Panel and click on View Small Icons.

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Then, just click on the mobility centre to open it.

Opening the Mobility Center from the Control Panel

Opening the Mobility Center using the Run action

Finally, we will see how to access this menu using the Run action. This mechanism is as simple as pressing the Win+R combination. Immediately a window will be displayed where you must type the following:

Executing a command to launch the movement center.

Finally, we have seen many ways to open the Mobility Center in Windows 10. This way, laptop users can manage specific aspects of the computer. Also, with the different options, you can choose the one you are most comfortable with. Okay, we’re done. Before saying goodbye, I invite you to see our post about activating the XPS viewer in Windows 10. Bye!

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