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How to install Webmin on Debian 9?

In a computer network, it is necessary to know what is happening on the server. Therefore, today I will teach you how to install Webmin on Debian 9.

Webmin is a web-based interface for managing UNIX systems. It has a new web interface where you can modify and manage several things on the computer. For example, user accounts, UNIX groups, DNS and others.

You will have no license problems with Webmin because it is released under the GPL3 license, which guarantees that you can use it, modify it and install it as you want.

Let’s install Webmin on Debian 9.

1. Upgrade the system

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The first step in this installation is to update the system packages. This ensures that your system has the latest security patches and thereby improves the stability and robustness of the system.

:~$ su
:~# apt update && apt upgrade

1.- Upgrading the system
1.- Upgrading the system

As I said before, getting the latest security patches and keeping the system up to date is essential for the security of your computer.

2. Add the Webmin repository and install Webmin

A simple way to install Webmin is through its package repository. Then, first of all, you need to add it to later install Webmin from APT.

Edit the apt source file:

:~# nano /etc/apt/sources.list

And add the following:

deb https://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib

2.- Edit the APT source file
2.- Edit the APT source file

Press Ctrl + X and say yes to save the file.

Next, it is necessary to add the GPG key to the repository. This is for security reasons. First, download it.

:~# wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc

Then, add it.

:~# apt-key add jcameron-key.asc

3.- Adding the GPG key for the Webmin repository
3.- Adding the GPG key for the Webmin repository

Next, it is necessary to install some additional packages.

:~# apt install apt-transport-https

4.- Installing some additional package
4.- Installing some additional package

Finally, install Webmin.

:~# apt update
:~# apt install webmin

5.- Install Webmin
5.- Install Webmin

Once the installation is finished, you will be told the address from where you must access through the web browser. In addition, the installer will tell you to log in with a user who can use sudo.


6.- Installing webmin
6.- Installing Webmin

3. Using Webmin

Before using Webmin, it is necessary to define some rules in the Firewall.

:~# ufw allow 443/tcp
:~# ufw allow 10000/tcp

7.- Setting some Firewall rules
7.- Setting some Firewall rules

Now, open your web browser and open the application. Remember that the address to open the application from the web browser is indicated at the end of the installation. Keep that in mind.

8.- Webmin log in page
8.- Webmin login page

And you will see this:

9.- Webmin dashboard
9.- Webmin dashboard

On the left side, you have all the options available to manage the server. For example, try viewing the web server options.

10.- Web Server options on Webmin
10.- Web Server options on Webmin


Webmin is a robust application to manage servers in a computer network. We can also use it to monitor them effectively.

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You can also read “How to install Linux Dash on Ubuntu 18.04?

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