14 C
Guru Unix /Linux and GNU supporter

How to install Virtualbox Addition for Ubuntu 18 / Mint 19 and Debian 9

This article was not expected to be published today, i was  writinh something else for debian , i had some issues to see the full screen of my Debian, i though its maybe agood ides to start with it. let  me show i have  fixed my  issue.

the Guest Additions are designed to be installed inside a virtual machine after the guest operating system has been installed. They consist of device drivers and system applications that optimize the guest operating system for better performance and usability.

What are  the Top features of Guest AdditonsSoftware

  • Easy mouse pointer integration.
  • Easy way to share folders between the host and the guest.
  • Drag and drop feature allows copying or opening files, copy clipboard formats from the host to the guest or from the guest to the host.
  • Share clipboard (for copy and paste) of the guest operating system with your host operating system.
  • Better video support provides accelerated video performance.
  • Better Time synchronization between guest and host.
  • Standard host/guest communication channels.
  • Seamless Windows features allows you to run windows of your guest operating system seamlessly next to the windows of your host.

In my situatution i couldn’t get a full screenmode in my debian Guest System

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Now How to Install VirtualBox Guest Additions in Ubuntu/Mint/Debian

1. First update your Linux guest operating system software packages using the apt comand :

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

2. Once upgraded   please reboot your  operating system to apply  the new recent upgrades  packages.

Now  this  bellow command will  install all dependencies needed to get your Guest addition instllation working.

$ sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)

3-Mount  GuestAddition iso

Guestaddition is mounted now  and ready for Install

4-Please Follow  the commands  bellow the get it installed

under root

$sudo su - 
su -  #  insert  root password 
#mount  /dev/cdrom /media
#cd  /media 

your can see the results bellow

Now its time to reboote


Now i can configure in my situation my screen resolutions easy to get an beautiful full screen

Please Enjoy and let us Know if we can help.

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