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How to Install Upterm Terminal Emulator on Linux

Linux is quite powerful because of the powerful terminal facility in it. The terminal is the ultimate tool that can be used to perform literally everything. However, the default terminal can be boring or scary sometimes. For devs, it’s quite nice to have access to the terminal and the project development window at the same instance. If that’s the case, then Upterm is the perfect choice for you.

However, Upterm isn’t available just like any regular software distribution method. It has to be installed pretty differently. Moreover, after installation, you have to integrate the shortcut of this app to your system. But worry not, as you’re in the right place to perform all the tasks very efficiently.

Download Upterm

Upterm is available on the official Upterm GitHub page. Download the AppImage version of Upterm.

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Installation procedure

When the download is complete, don’t double-click and run the file. It’s because of the file system (AppImage). All the app files will be extracted to the folder. If you open the file in “Downloads” directory, it’ll extract all files there and will create a big mess.

First, create a directory. Here, I’m creating a folder in my system. Feel free to create the file anywhere, but not recommended. I recommend creating a hidden folder. This way, you won’t accidentally end up deleting or modifying the folder.

Run these commands:

sudo mkdir ~/.Upterm

cd ~/Downloads
sudo mv upterm-0.4.3-x86_64-linux.AppImage ~/.Upterm

Now, add file permission for read/write to the folder.

sudo chmod +x upterm-0.4.3-x86_64-linux.AppImage

The final step would be running this command:


Click “Yes”. Now, Upterm is available from your “Apps” menu.

How to uninstall Upterm

For uninstalling Upterm, follow these steps.

  • Delete the program shortcut.

  • Delete the AppImage.
cd ~/.upterm
rm *

  • Delete the folder.

Now, Upterm should be disappeared from your system.

For Arch users

The method described above will work on most of the Linux distros. However, for installing Upterm as a native app on Arch Linux, you have to do it via AUR. Here’s how to do it.

  • Get the “git” package of Upterm.
sudo pacman -S git
  • Clone Upterm PKGBUILD file.
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/upterm.git
  • Navigate to the downloaded folder.
cd upterm
  • Build & install Upterm.
makepkg -si

For uninstalling Upterm, run this command:

sudo pacman -R upterm

Done! Enjoy Upterm.

Not interested in Upterm? There are also other terminal emulators available for Linux. Check out the best terminal emulators for Linux.

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