Planning is vital in organizations, especially when it comes to long-term projects. Especially when they are projects where many members are involved. Additionally, it is required an efficient application that converts simple ideas into more arranged tasks, so today, I will tell you about how to install SOPlanning on Ubuntu Server 18.04.
SOPlanning is an online planning tool designed to efficiently organize projects and tasks. The applications allow you to have real staff management on the internet via your computer or your phone. You can work by service, and organize your project very simply.
It has an active user community and paid version to increase the support for your company. Thanks to its flexibility it is implemented in many areas from industrial production to sales teams.
As you can see, it’s a pretty interesting application. Let’s install it.
1. Upgrading the system
It’s a good idea to do a complete system update before you start installing various applications. This in order to get the latest security enhancements. To do this, open a Terminal and type:
:~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
By entering your password, you will start downloading and installing the packages. However, the time will take according to your internet connection speed and the number of packages you need to update.
2. Install Apache2+PHP+MariaDB
Yes. You need to have a LAMP server installed. You also need to configure certain things in MariaDB. But first, install Apache2 web server.
:~$ sudo apt install apache2
After that, have Apache boot into the system.
:~$ sudo systemctl enable apache2
Next, go to your web browser and access with the IP address of the server. If you see something similar to the image below, apache2 web server has been correctly installed.
Now it’s PHP’s turn.
To install SOPlanning on Ubuntu Server 18.04 you must use a different version of PHP than the one that comes in the official repositories. This is because SOPlanning does not yet support PHP 7.2 which comes by default in Ubuntu 18.04, to complete the installation you must install PHP 7.1.
In the first place, add the external repository:
:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
Then, install all the package for PHP 7.1.
:~$ sudo apt install php7.1 php7.1-mysql php7.1-curl php7.1-json php7.1-cgi php7.1-recode php7.1-sq php7.1-intl libapache2-mod-php7.1 php7.1-mcrypt php7.1-xmlrpc php7.1-gd php7.1-mbstring php7.1 php7.1-common php7.1-xmlrpc php7.1-soap php7.1-xml php7.1-intl php7.1-cli php7.1-ldap php7.1-zip php7.1-readline php7.1-imap php7.1-tidy
Finally, install MariaDB.
:~$ sudo apt install mariadb-server
When the installation is finished, start and enable the MariaDB Server service.
:~$ sudo systemctl start mariadb :~$ sudo systemctl enable mariadb
The next thing you need to do is configure MariaDB. In it, you can define the root password and other things. To do this, run the following command:
:~$ sudo mysql_secure_installation
Define the root password, and then answer the questions as follows: Y,N, Y,Y.
Finally, you must create a database and a specific MariaDB user for SOPlanning.
:~$ sudo mysql -u root -p
After you enter the password, you will be in the MariaDB console.
Now to create the database and the dedicated user with the password.
CREATE DATABASE soplanning; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON soplanning.* TO 'usersoplanning'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'soplanningpss'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT;
Of course, you can change the database name, username, and password to the ones you think are correct.
3. Install SOPlanning
Now you can install SOPlanning in Ubuntu 18.04. Type in terminal:
:~$ cd /tmp/ :~$ wget
Now you have to decompress it:
:~$ unzip
The next step is to copy the folder to the apache root directory.
:~$ sudo cp -R soplanning /var/www/html/
Then change the folder permissions and the folder owner.
:~$ sudo chmod 755 -R /var/www/html/soplanning :~$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/soplanning/
Before going to the web browser, you must enable the apache rewrite module.
:~$ sudo a2enmod rewrite :~$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
4. Accessing to SOPlanning from Browser
Now you can go to your browser and in the path youhttp://IP_SERVER/soplanning/
will see a window like this.
As you can see, on this screen you must enter the data of the previously configured MariaDB instance. In other words, you must enter the Database name, user and password.
When you enter the required data and if all goes well, you should see a screen like this.
Note that on that screen there is a link to log us in and there are also the credentials. Click on the link and log in.
After that, you will see the main screen and you can start working.
as can be seen, installing SOPlanning on Ubuntu Server 18.04 is not a big step, but it does require a basic knowledge of the terminal.
SOPlanning is a great application for productivity and arises as an alternative to other large in its field.
We want to know your experience with the installation. Have you used SOPLanning? Do you like it?
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