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How to install OrientDB in Windows 10

Hey, what’s up? This time we’re going to talk about databases. Specifically about OrientDB. This is a NoSQL database manager made in java focused on combining the model of documents and graphs to make robust applications without the need to have more than one data manager. OrientDB handles 2 APIs, graphics and documents, as far as graphics are concerned, it uses documents to create its nodes. On the other hand, for documents, it uses keys and objects to store data. It also includes interesting features to the document model, such as the ability to create links to other documents and lists. It is also possible to define the rigidity of the model, giving the option to choose mandatory fields. This database manager is a good option for developers. For that reason, let’s see how to install OrientDB on Windows 10.


OrientDB is written in Java. For this reason, it is essential to have Java Run Environment installed. If you don’t have it yet, you can download it from the following link. Once you download the file, you only have to install it like any other program for Windows. To verify the installation, open a Command Prompt and type the following command:

java -version
Testing the Java version
Testing the Java version

If everything is in order, you will see the Java version installed.

Downloading OrientDB

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First, go to the download section of OrientDB. Once there, select the Community Edition for Windows:

The file is compressed in ZIP format. For convenience, unzip it at the root of the Windows installation. In most cases, it is the C:\ drive.

Unzip the folder at the root of the Windows 10 installation.
Unzip the folder at the root of the Windows 10 installation.

Running OrientDB for the first time.

Then go to the following path: C:\orientdb-3.0.25\bin. Now let’s start the database manager, double-clicking on the file server.bat

Runs the file server.bat
Runs the file server.bat

This will start the server by opening a CMD console and you will see the following:

The wizard will ask you to assign the password for the root user.

Assigns the password for the root user.
Assigns the password for the root user.

If you want to start the manager using the CMD, you only need to go to the bin folder of the program, and then run server.bat.

cd orientdb-3.0.25
cd bin
Running OrientDB on a Command Prompt
Running OrientDB on a Command Prompt

Running the console − You can use the following command to run OrientDB under the console. With this in mind, go to the same previous path and run the following command:

Running console.bat
Running console.bat

Once the server is started, go to the web browser and enter the following in the navigation bar: http://localhost:2480. You have to enter the password created for the root user.

OrientDB Studio. Please enter root password.
OrientDB Studio. Please enter root password.

After entering the password correctly, you will see the OrientDB graphical interface.

OrientDB Studio
OrientDB Studio

To shutdown the engine, you need to run the following command from the bin folder:

shutdown.bat -p rootpasword

Remember to replace rootpassword with the password you created.


Finally, we have seen how to install OrientDB in Windows 10. Now you can enjoy the advantages of this NoSQL database manager. All right, that’s it for the moment. Before saying goodbye, I invite you to read our tutorial about chocolatey in Windows 10

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