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How to Install Opera on Linux

For every internet users, web browsers are the most important tool to perform any action. In fact, without a web browser, no PC is complete. There are tons of web browsers available on the internet and most of them are cool and powerful. However, Opera is one of the mainstream browsers and a quite popular choice. Opera is a Chrome-based, well-optimized browser that offers lots of facilities.

If you’re a Linux user, then you’re already familiar with Firefox. Firefox comes by default in most of the Linux distros, but you can install other browsers easily. If Opera is your choice, then follow the steps according to your distro to install it and get the most out of you.

Take a note that in this tutorial, we’ll be using the current stable and beta (for Arch Linux only) release. For any previous or future versions, the same method will do the work. Only change the version wherever needed.

  • Debian + Ubuntu

If your Linux distro is Debian, Ubuntu or other distros based on these, installing Opera is quite simple. From the official site, you can download the DEB package to install on your system.

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cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i opera_stable_51.0.2830.55_amd64.deb

  • Now, it’s time to install the additional dependencies as the DEB package don’t include all of them. Run this command:
sudo apt install -f

Done! Opera is installed in your Debian/Ubuntu or Debian/Ubuntu-based distro.

  • Fedora

Fedora is another popular distro choice for Linux users. If your system runs Fedora or any Fedora-based distro, you can simply install it via the RPM package manager.

  • Run the following command:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo dnf install opera-stable_51.0.2830.55_amd64.rpm

Opera will be available right away in your Fedora or Fedora-based distro.

  • OpenSUSE

For enterprise Linux solution, OpenSUSE is the most popular choice as a free alternative to Red Hat Linux. Installing Opera in OpenSUSE is quite simple. OpenSUSE also supports RPM packages for installation. To download the RPM package from the official site, follow the instruction from Fedora section.

Now, run the commands:

cd ~/Downloads
sudo zypper install opera-stable_51.0.2830.55_amd64.rpm

Opera is a very powerful, simple and popular browser. If your Linux distro isn’t listed above, then Opera isn’t officially available for you. However, you can covert the DEB file into the familiar TAR.GZ file using alien-pkg-convert.

If you’re interested, you can check out the installation guide of Eclipse Oxygen IDE.

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