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How to install OpenSUSE 15.1?

We have a new version of OpenSUSE and it has arrived with new features. In this way, it is possible that many new users will take advantage of it to install it. In this case, certain problems may arise. That’s why in this post I will show you how to install OpenSUSE 15.1. The post will have images to make the process easier.

Download OpenSUSE 15.1

The first step is to download the ISO image from the project website. There are several, however, for this post, I will use the DVD image which weighs approximately 4 GB. It is the most complete and should not cause any problems.

0.- Download OpenSUSE
0.- Download OpenSUSE

Then, it is necessary to make a USB bootable. Here you can learn how to do it. Then, insert it into your computer and restart. In this case, I have used a virtual machine with Virtualbox to do the process.

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So, let us start.

Install OpenSUSE 15.1

First steps

When you start the boot, you will see this screen. Choose the installation option to start the process.

1.- Start the installation
1.- Start the installation

Then, the system will load all the required files.

2.- Starting the installation
2.- Starting the installation

The next screen you see is the language, keyboard, and license agreement screen. You can choose the language. Then, press the next button.

3.- Language and license agreement
3.- Language and license agreement

If you are connected to the internet, the installer will add additional software as updates after setting up the repositories. Helps save time. However, you can reject it.

Now you can choose the desktop environment. It can be KDE Plasma or GNOME. Or use the basic installation for a server. Then click next.

4.- System Role screen
4.- System Role screen

Now, you have to work with the disk.

Working with the disk

Now comes the most complicated part of the whole process. The disk.

The OpenSUSE 15.1 installer makes an initial suggestion about how the disk should be partitioned. If you agree, simply click on the next button. Otherwise, we can make our own partitioning layout.

At the bottom of the screen, display the “Expert Partitioner” list and click on the “Start with existing partitions” option.

5.- Partitions on OpenSUSE 15.1
5.- Partitions on OpenSUSE 15.1

Now, you will see a screen where the information on the hard disk and its partitions will be shown.

6.- disk information on the OpenSUSE 15.1 installer
6.- disk information on the OpenSUSE 15.1 installer

In this case, I have a partition called sda1 and that’s where I am going to install it. So I will double click on it to edit it. Then, click on the edit button to work with the partition.

7.- Partition information
7.- Partition information

In the next window, you can choose the type of file system. OpenSUSE recommends the BTRFS file system, although EXT4 is also very good. You can also choose the mount point, in this case, I will keep it in /.

8.- Partitions options
8.- Partitions options

Then, you will see the partition information as it is going to look. Press the Accept button to continue.

9.- Expert Partitioner
9.- Expert Partitioner

After that, you will see a picture with all the changes to be made to the disk.

10.- Partitions ready
10.- Partitions ready

Note: Remember to do this process carefully. If you delete an improper partition you may lose data or damage other operating systems.

Install OpenSUSE 15.1 – Final Steps

The next step is to choose the time zone and the date and time of the system.

11.- Choose the Timezone
11.- Choose the Timezone

Now it is the turn to create the local user. It is your user really, so enter the required data as well as a strong password.

12.- Creating the local user
12.- Creating the local user

Then, you will see a summary of the entire installation. Be sure to install the bootloader in the MBR (beginning of the image) and use Network Manager to manage the connections. Then click on the install button.

13.- Installation Setup
13.- Installation Setup

This way the process will start and at the end you will have to restart the system to enjoy it.

14.- Install OpenSUSE 15.1
14.- Install OpenSUSE 15.1

15.- Installing OpenSUSE 15.1
15.- Installing OpenSUSE 15.1

So, enjoy it.


Every day Linux distributions improve their installers to make them easier to use. In addition, they have professional tools to achieve this. In this sense, OpenSUSE 15.1 is no exception because it is easy and quick to install.

Tell us, do you use OpenSUSE 15.1? Have you learned how to install it? how about the Gecko distro? Leave us a comment.

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