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How to install Maven in Windows 10/Server

Hello, how are you? Let’s talk about Maven. This is a software tool for the management and construction of Java projects. It has the ability to perform tasks such as code compilation and packaging. In other words, it makes it possible to create software with dependencies included within the JAR structure. However, the key feature of Maven is that it is network ready. The engine included in its kernel can dynamically download plugins from a repository. This repository provides access to many versions of different Open Source projects in Java, from Apache and other organizations and developers. In this post, we will see how to install Maven in Windows 10/Server.


To be able to run Maven it is imperative to have Java JDK configured. To see how to download and install it, please check our post about Tomcat in Windows 10/Server.

Download Maven.

The first thing you have to do is download the latest version of Apache Maven. With this in mind, go to your page and select the binary files in ZIP format. At the time of writing this article, the version is 3.6.2

Download the latest version of Maven
Download the latest version of Maven

Once downloaded the file, unzip it in the location you want. However, I recommend you to do it at the root of the C unit.

Apache Maven unzipped in the root of unit C
Apache Maven unzipped in the root of unit C

Creates environment variables.

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Once the folder has been downloaded and unzipped, all that remains is to add environment variables. Please remember that Maven runs through the CMD. In that case, it is necessary to add the environment variable to run the program from any Command Prompt. Otherwise, we would have to go to the location where the program is decompressed every time you want to run it. If you want to know how to do it please check our post about Wget in Windows 10. First, add a name variable MD_HOME and use as the value of the variable the location where you unzipped the binary.

Creating the M2_HOME variable
Creating the M2_HOME variable

Then edit the Path variable and add a new value with the following address: C:\apache-maven-3.6.2\bin

Editing the Path variable.
Editing the Path variable.

Testing Maven.

Now all that remains is to prove that everything is in order and Maven runs successfully. With this intention open a CMD and type the following command:

Maven running on Windows 10
Maven running on Windows 10

If running the command gives a result like the previous one, then the installation was successful, and we are now ready to use this tool. Very well we have seen how to install Maven in Windows 10/Server. From now on you can take advantage of all the advantages it offers. For example to manage and build Java projects. This is all for the moment, see you soon.

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