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How to install Kanboard on CentOS 7?

Teamwork has been part of humanity since ancient times and with the invention of the internet, it is common to find more and more people doing it from many places. The free software helps a lot in it, thanks to applications like Kanboard that comes to be a valid alternative for the work with Kanban methodology. In this article, I will show you how to install Kanboard using CentOS 7.

Kanboard is a project management application following the Kanban methodology. It is free and open source software. It’s made for people who want to manage their projects efficiently and simply.

Using Kanboard you can:

  • Visualize your work.
  • Limit your work in progress to focus on your goal.
  • Drag and drop tasks to manage your project.

Besides, its installation on Linux is not too complicated.

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In addition, it has integration with Github and Gitlab through plugins.

What you need to install it

To fully comply with this tutorial, you need the following:

  • A server with CentOS 7 installed. Obvious.
  • A user account that can run commands with sudo.
  • The article is made so that you do not have problems when executing commands, however, it is advisable that you have a minimum of knowledge of command execution in the terminal.

1. Upgrade the system

In the first place, you need to update the system. I always advise you to do this because it guarantees you to have the latest versions of the packages and above all to have security patches. Open a terminal session and run:

:~$ sudo yum update

1.- Upgrading the system
1.- Upgrading the system

After the process is finished, you will have your system updated and ready for installation.

2. Install Apache web server

Kanboard is built with web technologies, that is why you must install a web server that can interpret the requests made from the application. There are many options, however, Apache will be the choice.

:~$ sudo yum install httpd

2.- Installing apache web server
2.- Installing apache web server

After installation, start, enable and then check the status of the service.

:~$ sudo systemctl start httpd
:~$ sudo systemctl enable httpd
:~$ sudo systemctl status httpd

3.- Working with httpd service
3.- Working with httpd service

If the screen output of the last command indicates that the service is running, apache is properly installed.

2. Install PHP

The version of PHP that comes in the official CentOS 7 repositories is a bit old-fashioned but it is useful to install Kanboard. However, If you want to install a higher version of PHP like 7.2 here I’ll tell you how in an easy way. Run:

:~$ sudo yum install http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
:~$ sudo yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72
:~$ sudo yum install php php-mysqlnd php-gd php-mbstring php-common php-ldap php-opcache php-cli

4.- Installing PHP 7 on centOS
4.- Installing PHP 7 on centOS

It’s done.

3. MariaDB’s turn

Now install MariaDB.

:~$ sudo yum install mariadb-server

5.- Installing mariadb-server
5.- Installing mariadb-server

At the end of the installation, you must define the root password and other options. You can do it with mysql_secure_installation script.

:~$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

6.- mysql_secure_installation script
6.- mysql_secure_installation script

After that, define the password and then answer the questions as follows: Y,N,Y,Y.

Now you must create a user and the database that Kanboard will use. First, access to MariaDB console:

:~$ sudo mysql -u root -p

Once you log in, create the database and the user. Then, assign permissions.

CREATE USER 'kanboarduser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'kanboarduser';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON kanboard.* TO 'kanboarduser'@'localhost';

7.- Creating the kanboard database
7.- Creating the kanboard database

Of course, modify the password for the one you want, as well as the name of the database and the user. I only used examples.

4. Install Kanboard

Now is the time to install Kanboard. First, make sure you have installed wget and unzip.

:~$ sudo yum install wget unzip

8.- Installing wget and unzip
8.- Installing wget and unzip

Then proceed to download it in the folder /tmp/.

:~$ cd /tmp/
:~$ sudo wget https://github.com/kanboard/kanboard/archive/v1.2.5.zip

9.- Downloading Kanboard
9.- Downloading Kanboard

Now decompress and change the folder’s name:

:~$ unzip v1.2.5.zip
:~$ sudo mv v1.2.5.zip /tmp/kanboard-1.2.5

Then, move it to the root directory of PHP and then change the owner of the folder to apache. This is to avoid execution problems.

:~$ sudo mv kanboard /var/www/html/
:~$ sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/kanboard-1.2.5

10.- Moving the kanboard folder
10.- Install kanboard

Now, you must edit the Kanboard configuration file to add database information.

:~$ cd /var/www/html/kanboard-1.2.5/
:~$ sudo mv config.default.php config.php
:~$ sudo nano config.php


11.- Setting parameters for kanboard database
11.- Setting parameters for kanboard database

Save the changes and close the file.

5. Access from the web server

Restart apache and access http:IP_SERVER/kanboard-1.2.5 from your web browser.

:~$ sudo systemcl restart httpd


12.- Log in screen
12.- Login screen

Use the default credentials admin/admin to login. And you will see the dashboard.

13.- Main screen of Kanboard
13.- Main screen of Kanboard


Teamwork is vital in any organization and planning is an important issue for achieving short and long-term goals.

I hope the guide has been useful to you, we want to know about you, did you like it? have you used Kanboard?

Please share this article through your social networks.


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