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How to install ArangoDB on Debian 9?

We have already talked about Debian on several occasions on this site, it is well known that is a stable, robust and almost infallible system. For this reason, it has become a safe bet for Database administrators and Developers. Today, I will talk about a database manager that has been gaining a good reputation among database administrators worldwide for being powerful and versatile, today I will talk about, How to install ArangoDB on Debian 9?

What is ArangoDB?

ArangoDB is a native multi-model, open-source database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high-performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions. Use ACID transactions if you require them. Scale horizontally and vertically with a few mouse clicks.

On the other hand, to offer graph functionalities, they make use of _from and _to attributes that allow connecting the information. This, in conjunction with edge indexes, allows the processing of graph queries with a great performance.

Let’s install it on Debian 9

In its website download section ArangoDb has two versions: an Enterprise version dedicated to companies and large projects; and another community version that is ideal for small projects or to learn. In this tutorial, I will use the last one.

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I’ll use the command line interface and a user with sudo privileges, so let’s get started. Open a terminal and run:

:~$ sudo -i

After entering your password, you will be the root user.

1.- Getting root access
1.- Getting root access

Now you must add the repository so that ArangoDB packages can be installed via APT. Run:

:~# curl -OL https://download.arangodb.com/arangodb33/Debian_9.0/Release.key

Note: If you don’t have curl installed, you’ll need to do it with apt install curl.

2.- Installing curl and adding ArangoDB repository
2.- Installing curl and adding ArangoDB repository

After that, you must run:

:~# apt-key add - < Release.key

3.- Adding the repository
3.- Adding the repository


:~# echo 'deb https://download.arangodb.com/arangodb33/Debian_9.0/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arangodb.list

4.- Adding the repository
4.- Adding the repository

Now, you must install a necessary package and then refresh the repositories.

:~# apt install apt-transport-https
:~# apt update

5.- Refreshing the repositories cache
5.- Refreshing the repositories cache

And finally, proceed to install ArangoDB:

:~# apt install arangodb3=3.3.14

At the end of the installation, you must define the administrator password of the ArangoDB instance.

6.- Setting a root paswword for ArangoDB
6.- Setting a root password for ArangoDB

After entering the password, you will have to repeat it and then you will be asked if you want the program to update automatically.

7.- Installing ArangoDB
7.- Installing ArangoDB

On the next screen, you will be asked about the storage engine. Choose the auto option.

8.- Choosing the engine for the instance
8.- Choosing the engine for the instance

Finally, it will ask you if you want to make a backup of your database every time the package is updated.

9.- Backup your DB whe the package will be updated
9.- Backup your DB when the package will be updated

And finally, the installation will continue automatically.

Verifying the installation

At this point in the tutorial, the installation went smoothly, however, to make sure everything is working, run:

:~# systemctl status arangodb3.service

10.- Showing service status
10.- Showing service status

You should get a message similar to the one shown in the image. The service is running and active.

The ArangoDB package comes with the following programs:

  • arangod: The ArangoDB database daemon.
  • arangosh: The ArangoDB shell.
  • arangoimp: A bulk importer for the ArangoDB server.
  • arangodump: A tool to create backups of an ArangoDB database in JSON format.
  • arangorestore: A tool to load data of a backup back into an ArangoDB database.
  • arango-dfdb: A datafile debugger for ArangoDB
  • arangobench: A benchmark and test tool.

In addition, there is also a beautiful web interface to manage our data in a friendly way. You can access from the browser, with the IP address of the server and port 8529.

11.- Web interface
11.- Web interface

Log in. The user is root and the password is the one you defined during the installation.

Next, you will select which database to access.

12.- Selecting the Database
12.- Selecting the Database

Once you have logged in, you will see the main panel, with a lot of information about your instance.

And that’s it. Finally, I recommend you consult their official documentation, where you can expand this and other knowledge.

ArangoDB is a program that is having a lot of recent success due to its easy handling and robustness, in addition to its flexibility which makes it ideal for complex tasks.

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