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How to install Apache Tomcat on Windows 10/Server.

Hi. How are you? Let’s see how to install Apache Tomcat on Windows 10/ Server. It works as a servlet container developed under the Jakarta project at the Apache Software Foundation. In addition, it is written in Java, for that reason it works in any operating system that has the Java virtual machine. It can also be used with XAMPP. Besides, Tomcat can function as a Web server on its own with support for servlets and JSP. Despite being surpassed in popularity by NGINX and Apache Web Server, it is still an interesting option to try. That’s why I show you how to install Apache Tomcat on Windows 10/Server.

Prerequisites. Install Java Development Kit JDK.

As we have mentioned, Tomcat is a software developed in Java. For that reason, it is mandatory to download and install JDK in order to run it. With that in mind please go to the download page. You need to have an Oracle account, but don’t worry it’s a fast and free process.

Download the installer corresponding to the computer architecture.
Download the installer corresponding to the computer architecture.

Once you have downloaded the installer, please double click on it to start the process.

Installing JDK
Installing JDK

Adding environment variables.

To ensure the proper functioning of the server, it is necessary to add Java to the Windows environment variables. If you don’t know how to do this, please check out our article on Wget in Windows 10. First, create a variable with the name JAVA_HOME and use the address where JDK was installed: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_231

Creating the environment variable for JAVA_HOME
Creating the environment variable for JAVA_HOME
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Then create another environment variable with the name JAVA_JRE. In this case, use the following address: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_231

Creating the environment variable for JAVA_HOME
Creating the environment variable for JAVA_JRE

Installing Apache Tomcat

Once JDK is installed and configured, it is time to install Tomcat. With that intention go to the program page and download the latest Windows Service installer. At the time of publication of this article, the version is 9.0.27.

Download the Apache Tomcat installer
Download the Apache Tomcat installer

After downloading the installer, proceed to run it. Press Next to continue.

Apache Tomcat installer initial screen
Apache Tomcat installer initial screen

Then choose the components to install. You can select the ones you want, but I recommend that you do a full installation.

Choose the components to install.
Choose the components to install.

In the next window, you will see the configuration options. You can leave almost everything by default. Just keep in mind that the ports must be free. In addition, add a username and password.

Apache Tomcat Configuration
Apache Tomcat Configuration

Now select the path where JDK is installed.

Select the JDK installation path
Select the JDK installation path

Now set the installation path for Apache Tomcat.

Select the Tomcat installation route
Select the Tomcat installation route

Once all the configurations have been completed, the installation process will begin.

Installing Tomcat
Installing Tomcat

Finally, the wizard will have finished its work, and we will have Tomcat installed in the system.

Tomcat installation finally completed.
Tomcat installation finally completed.

Now, to test that the server is properly installed and running, please open a web browser. Then go to this address: http://localhost:8080/ If you’ve done everything right, the page should look like this:

Tomcat running in Chrome.
Tomcat running in Chrome.


Ultimately we have seen how to install Tomcat on Windows 10/Server. The procedure with the installer is very intuitive and easy to use. In addition, the wizard installs Tomcat as a Windows service. So no additional configuration is required. You only need to have installed and preconfigured Java Development Kit. This is all for now, see you soon.

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