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How to install Apache GUI on Debian 9?

Generally, a SysAdmin uses the command line interface to configure server applications. However, there are web interfaces that facilitate the process of configuring these tools. In a server in production state, Apache plays an important role because it is the web server, which is why it must be correctly configured. With this in mind, it is helpful to install Apache GUI to make quick and easy adjustments to it.

Apache GUI is a free and open source web tool that is designed to help Administrate the Apache Web Server. Some of its functions are:

  • Edit, Search and Validate your Configurations.
  • Manage VirtualHosts.
  • Edit web documents right from your web browser.
  • Tail, download and search your logs.
  • Install and remove Apache modules.
  • View runtime statistics from your web server.
  • Record, search and graph detailed transactions.

As you can see, this is a very useful tool especially if you are starting in the sysadmin world or if you prefer the convenience of a web interface over the terminal.

What you need to install it

To install Apache GUI, in the first place, you need a user who can execute commands as a superuser, for example, a user who can execute sudo. On the other hand, it is useful that you have some knowledge about terminal handling. And finally, to have a PC with Debian 9. Obvious, isn’t it?

1. Upgrade the system

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In order to guarantee the correct functioning of the server, it is convenient to have the latest security patches installed. With this, you not only get stability but also performance and security improvements.

Open a terminal and run:

:~$ sudo -i

After entering the password, you will be able to update the computer. Run:

:~# apt update && apt upgrade

1.- Upgrading the system
1.- Upgrading the system

With this, you will have your Debian 9 updated.

2. Installing Java

Apache GUI is built with Java, so you must install Java on the server to run it. Run:

:~# apt install openjdk-8-jre

3.- Installing JAVA
2.- Installing JAVA

Then to check that java has indeed been installed, run:

:~# java -version

3.- Checking the java version
3.- Checking the java version

With this, Java has been installed.

3. Installing Apache web server and PHP

For a good running, Apache GUI requires that you install PHP. And obviously, you have also install apache web server.

First, install apache. Run:

:~# apt install apache2

4.- Installing apache web server
4.- Installing apache web server

It then enables the service for apache2 to run at system startup.

:~# systemctl enable apache2
:~# systemctl start apache2

5.- Enabling apache2 service
5.- Enabling apache2 service

Finally, verify that the installation has occurred satisfactorily. Go to a web browser and access to http://IP_SERVER. You should see something like this.

6.- Apache2 Debian default page
6.- Apache2 Debian default page

With this apache2 web server is correctly installed.

Now continue with PHP. Run:

:~# apt install php7.0 php7.0-imap php7.0-xml libapache2-mod-php7.0 php-pear

7.- Installing PHP
7.- Installing PHP

To prove that the PHP installation has been successful. Create a file called test.php in the /var/www/html/ directory and place the following:

:~# nano /var/www/html/test.php

8.- A sample file to test PHP installation
8.- A sample file to test PHP installation

Go to your web browser and open it http://IP_SERVER/test.php.

9.- phpinfo
9.- phpinfo

PHP and Apache are correctly installed and working.

4. Install Apache GUI

It’s time for the green, now it’s time to install Apache GUI. First, you have to create a folder, access it and download the program.

:~# mkdir/usr/local/apachegui/
:~# cd /usr/local/apachegui/
:~# wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/apachegui/files/1.12-Linux-Solaris-Mac/ApacheGUI-1.12.0.tar.gz

10.- Downloading apache GUI
10.- Downloading and then install Apache GUI

Now unzip the downloaded file.

:~# tar -xvzf ApacheGUI-1.12.0.tar.gz

Then, change the directory to the Apache GUI directory and launch the installation script.

:~# cd ApacheGUI/bin/
:~#  ./run.sh

11.- Starting ApacheGUI
11.- Starting Apache GUI

With this, it’s already installed. Now go to your browser and access with the IP address of the server and port 9999.


12.- Launching Apache GUI
12.- Launching Apache GUI

As you can see, you have two options. Choose the first post you installed apache2 from the official Debian repositories.

Then you’ll see this screen. On that screen, you must place the credentials and folders where apache works. Don’t worry about the first field, there is a drop-down list and choose “Debian and Ubuntu” and the fields will be filled in. Then in username and password define the credentials.

13.- Providing the credentials for apache
13.- Providing the credentials for apache

Finally, you will see this screen.

14.- Apache GUI installed
14.- Apache GUI installed

Apache GUI is now correctly installed and configured in Debian 9.

If you want to close the application, write:

:~# ./stop.sh

15.- Stopping apache GUI
15.- Stopping apache GUI

This type of application is useful for users who have a graphical alternative to configure such an important program as Apache.

Tell us, how was the installation? Have you used it? What is your experience with Apache?

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