4 C
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How to install and configure GlusterFS on CentOS 7?

GlusterFS, is a multi-scalable file system for NAS initially developed by Gluster Inc. A Gluster would allow us to connect two machines that will write simultaneously on the same disc, agreeing on the writer.

Most of the GlusterFS functionalities are implemented as translators, including:

  • Mirroring and file replication.
  • Fragmentation of the files or Data striping.
  • Load balancing for reading and writing files.
  • Fault tolerant volumes.
  • I/O planning and disk caching.
  • The storage quotas.

In this tutorial, we will cluster using GlusterFS between two server machines that are using CentOS 7

0.- Requeriments

To make this turtorial we will use three computers with GNU/LINUX systems, must have at least 1gb of ram and use 64bits systems, also a separate hard disk in /dev/sdb.

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Server 1:

  • Hostname: gluster1.osradar.local
  • O.S:  CentOS 7
  • Memory: 1gb
  • Ip Address:
  • Disk: 8gb /dev/sdb

Server 2:

  • Hostname: gluster2.osradar.local
  • O.S:  CentOS 7
  • Memory: 1gb
  • Ip Address:
  • Disk: 8gb /dev/sdb

1.- Configuring DNS (both nodes)

This first step is vital because GlusterFS uses name resolution to communicate between servers and clients. As root user you write to a terminal:

:~# nano /etc/hosts

And in the file it places the information of the nodes in the following way: gluster1.osradar.local gluster1 gluster2.osradar.local gluster2

1.- DNS config on servers
1.- DNS config on servers

2.- Installing GlusterFS (both nodes)

To install Gluster we need to add its repository first, to do this, in a terminal we must write:

:~# yum install centos-release-gluster

2.- installing gluster repo package
2.- installing gluster repo package

When the package installation is complete, the repository will be added and we can now install GlusterFS.

:~# yum install glusterfs-server

3.- Installing GlusterFS
3.- Installing GlusterFS

Once the installation is complete, we can start the service:

:~# systemctl start glusterd
:~# systemctl enable glusterd

4.- Enabling and starting service
4.- Enabling and starting service

The next thing to do is to modify the firewall settings:

:~# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="IP_ADDRESS_HERE" accept'
:~# firewall-cmd --reload

5.- Setting firewall rule
5.- Setting firewall rule

3.-Add a storage (both nodes)

Now we must prepare the second hard disk (/dev/sdb) to be used as a brick (basic storage unit in Gluster). We’ll do a partition there.

:~# fdisk /dev/sdb

To perform the process properly, write the options in this order

Command (m for help): n
Select (default p): p
Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
press enter
press enter
Command (m for help): p
Command (m for help): w

6.- Creating a new partition
6.- Creating a new partition

now we proceed to format the partition:

:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

7.- Formating the partition
7.- Formating the partition

Then we create a folder and mount the partition on it.

:~# mkdir -p /data/glusterfs
:~# mount /dev/sdb1 /data/glusterfs

8.- Mounting the partition
8.- Mounting the partition

We make sure that the partition is automatically mounted at system boot:

:~# echo "/dev/sdb1 /data/glusterfs ext4 defaults 0 0" | tee --append /etc/fstab

9.- editing fstab
9.- editing fstab

4.-Configuring GlusterFS

The next step will be on node 1. tell Gluster that node 2 is trustworthy to build the cluster itself. To do this we must execute the following command:

:~# gluster peer probe gluster2.osradar.local

10.- Setup gluster peer
10.- Setup gluster peer

And then we verify that the other node has been added correctly with these commands:

:~# gluster peer status
:~# gluster pool list

11.- Checking the node added
11.- Checking the node added

5.- Creating GlusterFS Volume

We create a folder on both nodes that will serve as the volume folder:

:~# mkdir -p /data/glusterfs/glustervolume

12.- Creating a directory for new volume
12.- Creating a directory for new volume

We now proceed to create the volume by indicating that you will use two mirrors in this case:

:~# gluster volume create glusterfsvolumne replica 2 gluster1.osradar.local:/data/glusterfs/glustervolume gluster2.osradar.local:/data/glusterfs/glustervolume

13.- Creating gluster volume
13.- Creating gluster volume

We start the volume:

:~# gluster volume start glusterfsvolumne

14.- Starting the volume
14.- Starting the volume

The installation and configuration of glusterfs on a server is now complete. We proceed to install the client on another machine.

GlusterFS client

Now it is the customer’s turn to use another CentOS 7 device with an IP address of The other features of the device do not influence the use of the device.

We proceed to install the glusterfs-client package:

:~# yum install glusterfs-client

Once the installation is finished, we will create a folder to mount the volume.

:~# mkdir -p /mnt/glusterfsvolumne

we set up the firewall:

:~# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" accept'
:~# ffirewall-cmd --reload

And we mount the previously created glusterFs volume.

:~# mount -t glusterfs gluster1.osradar.local:/glusterfsvolumne /mnt/glusterfsvolumne

15.- Mounting gluster volume on client node
15.- Mounting gluster volume on client node

We checked the mounting:

df -hP /mnt/glusterfsvolumne/

16.- checking the mounting
16.- checking the mounting

we add the entry in fstab so that it is automatically mounted:

:~# echo "gluster1.osradar.local:/glusterfsvolumne /mnt/glusterfsvolumne/ glusterfs  defaults,_netdev 0 0" | tee --append /etc/fstab

17.- editing fstab
17.- editing fstab

Testing the replication

First of all, in the server nodes, we execute the following commands:

On the first node (gluster1.osradar.local):

:~# mount -t glusterfs gluster2.osradar.local:/glusterfsvolumne /mnt

On second node (gluster2.osradar.local):

:~# mount -t glusterfs gluster1.osradar.local:/glusterfsvolumne /mnt

18.- Mounting the volumes
18.- Mounting the volumes

On client machine:

First we create the files, and verify

:~# touch /mnt/glusterfsvolumne/filetest{1..4}
:~# ls /mnt/glusterfsvolumne

19.- Creating example files
19.- Creating example files

Now from node 1 we show the files created from the client.

:~# ls -l /mnt/

20.- Testing the replication
20.- Testing the replication

That concludes the article and I hope it has served you well. Remember that for everything to work, you have to be careful with the firewall and define its rules correctly.

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