22 C
Guru Unix /Linux and GNU supporter

How to Get the Latest LibreOffice on Your Linux

LibreOffice is one of the best office suites for everyone. Itā€™s free, powerful and community supported. Thatā€™s why LibreOffice is also suitable for using in enterprise level as well. Almost all the Linux distros come up with pre-installed LibreOffice.

LibreOffice is an essential tool for everyone. Because of its features, it also competes with MS Office suite! While updating your Linux distro, LibreOffice should also be updated automatically. However, for some reason(s), it isnā€™t updated. If youā€™re using an obsolete/old version of LibreOffice, update today to enjoy all the latest features.

  • Ubuntu + Ubuntu-based

Ubuntu and all the other Ubuntu-based distro come up with pre-installed LibreOffice. The installer may come up with older version of LibreOffice. Hereā€™s how to update the software

  • Open a terminal.
  • Run the following command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
  • Refresh package database:
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sudo apt update
  • Update all the due packages:
sudo apt upgrade
  • Debian

Debian is also a great distro for enterprise level. However, because of its update system, Debian always come up with an older version of LibreOffice. In order to get the latest version, follow these steps.

  • Uninstall all the LibreOffice packages beforehand.
sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-*

  • Now, follow these steps to extract and install LibreOffice.
cd ~/Downloads
tar -xvzf LibreOffice_6.0.3_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
  • Arch Linux

Arch Linux is one of the best Linux distros out there. Although the classic Arch Linux isnā€™t for beginners, there are other Arch-based distros that offer simpler interface and usability. On Arch & Arch-based distro, follow these steps.

  • Open a terminal.
  • Run this command:
sudo pacman -U libreoffice-fresh

In case you donā€™t have LibreOffice installed in your system, use this command line for installing the latest version automatically.

sudo pacmanĀ -SĀ libreoffice-fresh
  • OpenSUSE + Fedora

Both of these OS are included in the same section because both of them use RPM packages as the installable file type.

  • Uninstall the existing LibreOffice installation.
sudo zypper remove libreoffice-* [for OpenSUSE]
sudo dnf remove libreoffice-*    [for Fedora]

  • Run these commands for finally installing the software.
cd ~/Downloads
tar -xvzf LibreOffice_*_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz

cd LibreOffice_6.0.3_Linux_x86-64_rpm

sudo zypper install *.rpm   [for OpenSUSE]
sudo dnf install *.rpm      [for Fedora]
  • Snap

LibreOffice is also available as a snap package. Snaps are universal packages that can be installed on any Linux distro, irrespective of the platform. Before proceeding, install the ā€œsnapdā€ service for your Linux distro. Now, Update all the snaps in your OS.

sudo snap refresh

If the command doesnā€™t work, reinstall LibreOffice snap.

sudo snap remove libreoffice

sudo snap install libreoffice
  • Flatpak

Itā€™s also another universal Linux app platform, just like Snap. If you want to use Flatpak, follow these steps.

Update all the flatpak packages:

flatpak update

If it didnā€™t work, then re-install LibreOffice using Flatpak.

flatpak uninstall flathub org.libreoffice.LibreOffice

flatpak install flathub org.libreoffice.LibreOffice

If you love the AppImage version, download the latest LibreOffice AppImage.

LibreOffice isnā€™t the one and only office suit available. There are some of the best LibreOffice alternatives out there. Check them out!

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