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How to get Always-on Display feature in any Android

Greetings dear readers, the Always-on Display feature has been included in many Android devices for several years now. But they have been limited to devices with AMOLED screens technology, leaving aside the most common technology screens such as IPS and derivatives. So in this post, we will show you how to get this feature in your device in the easiest way.

The Ambient Mode is a powerful feature included in the Google Assistant, allows you to have an Always-on Display feature on your device while it is charging. Besides, we can enjoy the benefits of the Google Assistant, including search on the web, ask the assistant to perform different commands, show you the available notifications.

This is an alternative way to use the Always-on Display feature because if your device does not have the AMOLED technology it will increase battery usage. Why is this happening?

The reason is simple. The devices with AMOLED screens can individually turn off the pixels in this way can save more energy than those with IPS screens.

Previous requirements

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Before start, I recommend you download and install the Google Assistant in case you don’t have it. Click on the Following link below:

Google play: Google Assistant

First step

Enabling Ambient Mode. First, launch the Google Assistant app and touch your profile picture, then go to Settings. After that, go to the Assistant tab then swipe down and press Phone. Swipe down again to the Personalization section and enable Ambient Mode.

Second step

Locks your screen then plug your phone to the charger. The Ambient Mode will now appear over your lock screen. Touch on “see your notifications in Ambient Mode“. Then, unlock your phone and press Turn on in settings, then grant permission to Google. The app will notify you that Ambient Mode is set up, and that’s it!

Final Result


The objectives have been met. Now you have the Always-on Display feature plus full integration with the Google Assistant. Besides you can take advantage of their multiples features without unlocking your phone. Also, you can control music playback, see personal suggestions for stuff like your calendar, reminders, flights, and other things. Most of the manufacturers are leaving aside this feature and reserving it for premium devices. Thanks to Google we have this awesome function available for any Android device.

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