Greetings friends, WhatsApp development continues every day, to offer more features for the benefit of users. For some time now WhatsApp messages have been end-to-end encrypted. But what about the backup? Now it will be possible to encrypt it so that neither WhatsApp nor anyone else can access it, only you can do it. This new feature seeks to strengthen security more and more. It is also available in the beta version of WhatsApp. Even in the case that someone without authorization enters your Google account. He will not be able to access your WhatsApp files and conversations. So, in this post, we will show you how to encrypt your WhatsApp backup on Android.
First step
Download the APK file. You can use version or higher, download it by following the link below:
Apk Mirror | WhatsApp Messenger Beta
Second step
Then from the browser open the APK file.

Third step
After that, your phone will ask for permission to install from unknown sources. Then press “Settings“. Finally, click on “Allow from unknown sources“. Go back to the installation wizard and press “Install“.

Fourth step
Then open WhatsApp, go to Settings>Chats>Backup, here you will find the new option “Encrypt your backups”. You can set a six-character key with at least one letter or use a 64bit key that WhatsApp will automatically generate for your Google account, which will be needed to restore your backup. And that’s it. Enjoy!
Keeping our information safe is one of the most relevant issues of today. WhatsApp has been slow to include this feature, but it is getting closer to be launched globally. Be sure to be one of the first to try it out and let us know your experience. Thanks for reading. Bye!