The use of protocols has always been present in the systems. They allow administrators and users to access extra content. Consequently, they improve both internal and external communication. Well, one of those protocols is Telnet (Teletype Network). It makes use of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This protocol allows the connection to transmit data with Telnet control interleaved between devices. However, this tool is disabled by default. Therefore, today we will see how to enable Telnet in Windows Server 2022.
Enabling Telnet on Windows Server 2022.
As mentioned, this protocol is very useful. Indeed, some of its connections are:
- Centrally manage networks and servers
- Manage databases
- Acting with programs and applications on other computers and servers
Well, let’s see how to activate it. The first thing you have to do is to validate if the protocol is enabled. With this in mind, open a CMD and run the following command:
telnet :80

You can see that Telnet is not recognized as a command on the server. Next, you need to open a PowerShell with administrator privileges. With this in mind, press the Win+X combination and select the corresponding option.

Then run the following command:
Install-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client

Finally, the console will look like this.

Validating Telnet installation.
Next, we will check if the protocol was correctly enabled. With this intention, open the Server Manager. Once there, click on Add roles and features.

On the next screen, please click next.

It is time to select the type of installation. Therefore, select the Role-based installation.

Next select the server where you will install the role.

We will certainly not install Server Roles. Therefore, you can skip this window and click on Next.

Next, the Server Features window is displayed. Please scroll down to Telnet Client. Make sure that the box is checked. This means that the feature was successfully added. If not, please check to complete the installation.

To complete the verification, please open the command prompt. Then run the following command:

Finally, we have seen how to enable Telnet in Windows Server 2022. As a result, it will be possible to manage connections as needed. Bye!