Hello! Security when surfing the internet is a very serious issue. Consequently, the precautions we take are very important. Moreover, web browsers are the gateway to most of these threats. Fortunately, they also have extensions that increase security. Well, in this post we’ll talk a little bit about Behave. This extension is available for Firefox and Chrome and its derivatives. Its mission is to alert about port scans and local attacks. Join me to see how to detect port scanning and private IP access with Behave.
Behave is an extension that warns about port tracking
As mentioned, there are several extensions that improve security by protecting us from attacks. In this case, we mean Behave. This add-on is available for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Its function is to alert about port scans and also access to private IP addresses. That is to say, it alerts us when a website we visit scans local ports or accesses private IP addresses. This can happen occasionally. In fact, a popular site like ebay.com has incurred this type of fault.

How can this practice affect us? Well, a website can check the ports that a software uses to determine if the user is browsing from a remote desktop. Consequently, this is an attack on privacy. What Behave does, is monitor the pages we visit and if it detects certain activity of this type then it launches an alert.
How’s Behave work?
Its operation is very simple. In the first place, you have to download it from the official website for Chrome and Firefox. Once the add-on is installed on any supported browser, an icon will be added to the bar.

What Behave does is list the IP addresses and ports, as well as the originated requests. It also has a number of simple configurations. Such as choosing the port scanning threshold, enabling or disabling monitoring, notifications, etc. These settings can be accessed by clicking on the plug-in icon.

Now, in case you find any anomaly the icon changes color. We can click on it for more information.

In short, we have seen how to detect port scanning and private IP access to Behave. It is an interesting extension for those users who are looking for more control when visiting websites. It is a healthy habit to have tools that protect the system from attacks. Especially when browsers are a gateway to potential attacks. Okay, that’s it for now. Before you say goodbye, check out our post about the Windows 10 screensaver. So long!