Hi! We use the computer for multiple activities. Therefore, it is likely that we have invaluable files and folders. Which means we don’t want to lose them. Especially if we use a shared computer. Besides, there is always a risk that a folder with essential content will be deleted. Either by ourselves or by third parties. Consequently, it is better to take precautions. And the best thing to do is to create folders that cannot be deleted or renamed. Certainly, there are third-party tools for this task. However, this time we will use Windows’ own features. Read on to find out how to create an undeletable folder in Windows 10.
How to create an undeletable folder in Windows 10
Using the command prompt
In order to do so, some considerations are necessary. First of all, this type of folder cannot be created on the C drive. Therefore, you need another hard disk drive. Or at least have a different partition. On the other hand, we will assign specific names: con, aux, prn, nul. In addition to the sequence LPT1 to LPT9. Basically, we will create a folder with any of these names. Which are key terms reserved for programming. This will allow to save content and prevent them from being deleted by regular means. The first thing you have to do is to open a command prompt. With this in mind, just type CMD in the search button.

Once there, you must go to the other drive, in this case, D. To do this, type D: and press Enter. Next, we will create a folder with the name aux. For this purpose, we will use the following command:
md aux\

In this folder, we will be able to place all the content considered sensitive. However, we will not be able to modify it or change its name. On the other hand, we will be able to use the other proposed key names. This will allow us to have the other files available in a secure way.
Certainly, we will not be able to delete folders in the traditional way. But we can do it through the command prompt. Therefore, repeat the above procedure. Once again go to drive D. But this time, use the following command:
rd aux\

In this way, we will be able to delete the folder. We will be able to check it when we enter the file explorer.
By means of the folder permissions.
We can also create indelible folders by means of folder permissions. Let’s see how to do it. The first thing you have to do is right-click on the folder and go to the properties.

Now, click on the Security tab. Then scroll down and select Edit.

Next, we will modify the permissions on the folder. With this intention, click on Add. In the new window, use the value Everyone.
In the next window, check the Full Control box in the Deny column. Finally, click on Apply and OK. Consequently, the changes will be saved and nobody will be able to delete our folder anymore. Ultimately we have seen how to create an undeletable folder in Windows 10. To save sensitive data and information and prevent it from being deleted.