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How to create a registry backup in Windows Server 2019/2016

Hello! The registry is one of the essential elements within Windows Server. Additionally, the system has an editor to be able to modify it. However, any change can greatly affect the stability and performance of the system. Therefore, it is essential to use this editor carefully and responsibly. On the other hand, it is possible to backup the information contained in this registry. This way if there is any problem when modifying it, then we can always return to the original version. Without further ado, let’s see how to create a registry backup in Windows Server 2019/2016.

How to create a backup of the Windows Server registry using the registry editor.

In fact, in order to perform the backup, it is necessary to access the Registry Editor. With this in mind, press the Win+R combination and run the following command:


Launching the Windows Server registry editor
Launching the Windows Server registry editor

The Windows Server Registry Editor will be immediately displayed. Once there, click on the File menu. Then click on Export

Generating a backup of the Windows Server registry
Generating a backup of the Windows Server registry
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A window will then be displayed. Please assign the name and location of the backup file. It is recommended to attach the date of creation. This way we will know the specific day of the registry backup. Please press Save.

Assigning name and location of the registry backup
Assigning name and location of the registry backup

From the selected location, you can see the attributes of the backup. To do so, right click on it and select Properties.

How to restore registry backup.

If the system has stability or performance failures derived from the registry editor, then we can restore the backup. With this in mind, please within the Registry Editor click on the File Menu and then on Import.

Importing the registry backup
Importing the registry backup

Then select the backup from the location. Please click on Open.

Selecting the backup file
Selecting the backup file

Immediately the process of restoring the registry backup will begin. Please wait a few moments while the task is completed. This may take several minutes depending on the size of the file.

Finally, we have seen how to create a registry backup in Windows Server 2019/2016. Accordingly, we restore the registry editor to its normal state so that all system parameters work properly. In addition, it is a simple process that increases the security of the system. All right, we’ve come to the end for today. Before I go, I invite you to see our post about changing the administrator password in Windows Server. See you soon!

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