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Guru Unix /Linux and GNU supporter

How to Back up Steam Games

Steam is one of the best places to find out all the popular and awesome games of the world. It allows downloading & updating the game instantly. Steam also enables easy game management. That’s why all the biggest and best games are always on Steam. Thankfully, for Linux users & gamers, Steam is also available. In fact, there are some of the best games out there for this platform.

We already discussed how to move a Steam game from one folder to another. Today, let’s take a look how to take backup of Steam games. The steps are same for both Windows and Linux.

The step-by-step guide

  • Open Steam.
  • Go to Library >> Games.


  • You’ll see the list of all the installed games on the left panel. Select the games you want to make a backup.
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  • Right-click and select “Backup Game Files”.

  • Click “Next”.

  • Select the directory where you want to backup your game.

  • Enter a backup file name. I recommend leaving the option of “File Size” to “CD [640 MB]”. It’s only a measure of splitting the compressed game archive.

Just wait until the game(s) are backed up.

For Linux usres, there’s another tool named “SLSK”. It allows easier management & backup facility for Linux platform. You need to build it from the source. Check out the complete instruction on installing Steam Linux Swiss Knife.


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