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How to activate and use Swiftkey in Windows 10.

Hello, how are you? Let’s talk about an interesting configuration in Windows 10. In a specific way let’s talk about the keyboard and its configuration. Maybe many of the mobile phone users have heard about the Swiftkey keyboard. It’s even very likely that you used it on your mobile device. What you may not know is that since 2016, it is possible to integrate it into Windows 10. As a matter of fact, that year Microsoft acquired the company for $250 million. Since then, Redmond’s giant has been responsible for developing the keyboard. Under those circumstances, from the recent time it is possible to activate this function in our operating system. For this reason, I’m going to show you how to activate and use the Swiftkey keyboard in Windows 10.

A brief introduction to the Swiftkey keyboard

Originally, it was a predictive keypad application for smartphones. And how did it accomplish its purpose? Well, using artificial intelligence that “learned” what the user typed. In fact, this application was the pioneer in including the option of sliding the keys. This technology was soon copied by other telephone keyboard developers, who wanted to be at the forefront. However, the interesting aspect is that we can activate it in Windows 10. Keep reading and you’ll see how to do it.

Enabling Swiftkey keyboard in Windows 10

First of all, I want to tell you that this function is mainly oriented To to the on-screen keyboard feature. In order to activate it correctly, we need to enter Windows Settings. With this intention press the combination Win+I. And once there, select Devices

Windows Settings>Devices
Windows Settings>Devices

On the next screen select Typing in the left column. Then navigate to the bottom of the window and click on Suggestions and Autocorrections.

Entering the advanced Keyboard Configuration
Entering the advanced Keyboard Configuration
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Then activate the suggestions and autocorrections for each language you have installed. And so you will have the Swiftkey settings in Windows 10.

Activating Swiftkey Keyboard Suggestions
Activating Swiftkey Keyboard Suggestions

Testing the Swiftkey keyboard

To test the keyboard predictions and suggestions, we need to open the On-Screen Keyboard. With this in mind, please type keyboard into the search bar, and then run the On-Screen Keyboard.

Opening On-Screen Keyboard
Opening On-Screen Keyboard

Once the application runs we will be able to see the suggestions and autocorrection in action.

On-screen keyboard using suggestions
On-screen keyboard using suggestions

Adding Swiftkey’s suggestions on the hardware keyboard

Although it is intended for users of tablets or touch screen devices, it is possible to add this function to the physical keyboard. To do this, follow the route above, but navigate to Hardware Keyboard. There you must activate the two options.

By activating the Swiftkey features on the physical keyboard.
By activating the Swiftkey features on the physical keyboard.

Then just open a word processor, such as WordPad for example and see how artificial intelligence changes for you misspelled words or highlights them and suggests alternatives.

Swiftkey working on the physical keyboard.
Swiftkey working on the physical keyboard.

Finally, we have seen how to activate and use the Swiftkey features in Windows 10. It is a very interesting feature for on-screen keyboard users. In addition, owners of tablets and touch devices are also benefited. Or simply, if you want predictions and autocorrections while typing, this option is for you. Well, that’s it for now, please visit our article on Super Administrator in Windows 10.

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  1. Hello !
    Despite I activated the autocorrect feature a few months ago, I’m still under the impression that it is not quite efficient. I barely see the difference between activated and not. Am I the only one experiencing that ?

    I’ve been using the Swiftkey app on my smartphone (Android) for years, and the autocorrect function is considerably more efficient on this device.

    How can this be explained ? Is it a way to make the computer-based Swiftkey features as accurate as it is on the app ?

    Thanks 🙂

  2. Hi, looks like these instructions are now outdated as the screens shots aren’t matching anymore, also unable to locate where its directing to after the middle steps


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