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Alacritty the fastest terminal emulator for Linux

The terminal emulator is one of the most controversial applications in Linux. On one hand, there are the novices who do not want to...

How to access remotely to Windows 10

Hi, how are you? Every day the number of Windows 10 users is increasing. In fact, more and more people are using Microsoft's flagship...

How to install MongoDB on Debian 10?

Hi, friends in this post I'll show you how to install MongoDB on Debian 10. Nowadays many projects are developed using SQL type databases, but...

How to activate the Windows 10 remote desktop

Hi, how are you? In this opportunity, we will talk about the remote desktop in Windows 10. This is a function that allows you...

Four premium themes for Windows 10 are now available

Windows has all kinds of alternatives for changing the wallpaper. As well as the login or desktop wallpaper. Both with third-party applications and web...

Emergency patch to correct a safety fault in Windows 10

Microsoft has had to release an emergency patch to update Windows 10 earlier than planned. But events were rushed after the Internet leak. In...

How to install osTicket on Ubuntu 18.04?

Hi, folks. In this post, we will help you to install osTicket on Ubuntu 18.04. Every day there are many more applications for Linux and...

Learn how to install and use bash in Windows 10

Hi. Bash on Windows 10? Doesn't sound coherent, does it? The truth is I talk about bash, immediately Linux comes to mind. In fact,...

How to uninstall updates in Windows 10

Windows 10 is known for its constant failures in updates. Because of this, Microsoft created a user program dedicated to improvements. This program...

How to install Percona on CentOS 8?

Database management is an essential part of any application. And there are many solutions but some are more business-oriented than others, and today I...

Microsoft employees affected by COVID-19

Microsoft revealed the first known cases of its employees affected by COVID-19. In this way, it joins other technology giants. Such as Amazon.com and...

Microsoft recommends not to install the last update of Windows 10

Microsoft has released a new Windows 10 update with flaws. These have caused some problems for users of the system. Due to the difficulty,...

GNOME 3.36 arrives with many new features

The day has finally arrived and after several months of development GNOME 3.36 has arrived loaded with many new features and of course general...

How to automatically log on to Windows 10

Hi! Some users find it annoying to have to type in the password every time they start Windows 10. In fact, some would prefer...

How to install Percona on Debian 10?

If we say that MySQL is the most known and popular database manager, we wouldn't be talking nonsense either. But not only that but...

How to customize the look of the folders in Windows 10

Hi, how are you? Today we will continue to see how to customize the graphical aspect of Windows 10. Specifically, the folders. Personally, I...

How to customize the mouse pointer and cursor in Windows 10

Hi, how are you? I personally love to customize any device I use. In fact, one aspect that I've always criticized Microsoft for, is...

Monitoring Linux system with ytop

Hi, folks. This post is about Monitoring Linux system using ytop. I will tell you a little bit about it and also show you...

Microsoft provides a free Team tool for COVID-19

To help with the global crisis, Microsoft provides its tools to companies on a free six-month subscription, so that employees can work from anywhere....

Microsoft increases transparency in user privacy

Microsoft increases transparency with respect to user data. This is why it will modify the data that users share from their computers. After Windows...

Apache CouchDB 3.0 available

In this post, we will explain in detail the new features of Apache CouchDB 3.0. A new version of this fabulous document-oriented database manager has...

Install Mastodon on Ubuntu 18.04 with Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate

Mastodon is a free and Open Source self-hosted social community Server licensed underneath AGPLv3. Mastodon is comparable in features to Twitter and permits you...

How To Configure NFS Server on Ubuntu 18.04

Today, we are going to learn that how to install & configure NFS Server on Ubuntu 18.04. NFS Server is the abbreviation of Network...

How to install python Pip on FreeBSD 12?

Hi, folks. You know we like Unix-based systems and now we will teach you how to install python Pip on FreeBSD 12. First, we have...

How To Install KVM on CentOS 8

in this tutorial you will find how to install KVM on Centos 8 which actually used to create virtual environment via Linux OS. This...

New Start Menu Design for Windows 10

New start menu design for Windows 10 arrives. Microsoft confirmed the change via a podcast. The dynamic icons do not disappear but are modified....

How To Install Neat IP Address Planner(NIPAP) on Ubuntu 18.04

Today we are going to learn that how to install Neat IP Address Planner on Ubuntu (NIPAP). Let's have a short introduction on Neat...
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