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Graphical clients for SQL in Linux

SQL Language is one of the most popular languages of our time. Many of the most popular database managers use SQL as their statement language. That is why SQL is so popular. However, it is a language that many at first may not like or may become complicated. Also managing data in a database using only the terminal is not as efficient as possible. Imagine many tables with thousands of records, it is not efficient to do it that way. So in this article, I will tell you about some graphical clients for SQL. All with the particularity of being open source and installable in Linux.

As I mentioned at the beginning, managing data in a database that uses SQL in a terminal is not appropriate. In addition, insecure is impractical. So recently I showed you some graphical clients for Git, today I will do the same with SQL. This way you will be able to work more and better.

Let us start.

Graphical clients for SQL

1) MyWebSQL

I start with MyWebSQL. It is a web application to manage SQL databases. However, it places special emphasis on MySQL.

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MyWebSQL is built with PHP so it requires a web server to function. Its graphical interface is great because it resembles a desktop application. It is well done and very well taken care of.

1.- MyWebSQL
1.- MyWebSQL

You can find much more information about MyWebSQL in our post about it or on their website.

2) DBeaver

DBeaver is a very powerful graphical SQL client. It is an open source desktop application that stands out for its simplicity and power. It supports many SQL database managers such as DBeaver, SQLite or PostgreSQL. That’s why many developers trust their work with SQL to DBeaver.

2.- Dbeaver
2.- Dbeaver

On the other hand, it requires Java to work so maybe those who have modest hardware will not like the idea.

We have also talked about DBeaver on our site so we invite you to stop by this post to learn how to install it.

3) PHPMyAdmin

If we have to talk about a very popular SQL tool in the educational field, that is PHPMyAdmin. It is a very popular and simple web interface for SQL language that contains everything you need to manage databases and SQL statements.

Being a web interface, it requires a web server, with all the advantages and disadvantages of the case. Ideal when you have a shared development of some application or centralized data.

3.- PHPMyAdmin
3.- PHPMyAdmin

Of course, PHPMyAdmin is available for Linux in a very simple way and is open source. So, you can install it on CentOS.

4) PGAdmin

If there is an SQL client specialized in PostgreSQL that is pgAdmin. This powerful PostgreSQL client is a work of art. Its interface is the best in all of Linux because it is simple and very flexible.

4.- PGAdmin. Image from the pgadmin web site

PgAdmin is open source and is available for all Linux through a web server and Python.


Here are some of the most popular graphical SQL clients on Linux. Their use makes it much easier to manage the data in our SQL database. So it only remains for you to try and tell us your experience.

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