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Google Docs now offers full Markdown support

Hello! Google Docs is going to expand its support for Markdown. It is well known that this is the language for text that is used daily on multiple websites. Moreover, its implementation in Docs will allow us to benefit from the common text shortcuts of this format. With this in mind, the company has published a post on its official blog announcing this new addition. To start writing in Markdown, Google will do it through its autocorrect function. Thus, if we use any element of its language, the text will be transformed to this format. This Docs update has already been released. Consequently, it will progressively reach everyone from these days. Find out that Google Docs manages Markdown.

Markdown comes to Docs, yes. But it is disabled by default.

Docs already used Markdown, albeit in a limited way. Recall that Google previously allowed this format for lists and boxes. However, it now offers more complete support. Consequently, we can take advantage of this format to add headings, bold, italics, links, etc. On the other hand, this format is increasingly implemented on multiple websites we visit daily.

Image credits to The Verge.

To activate this feature, we have to open Google Docs and in the Tools tab select the Preferences option. If you still do not see this feature, you should give it a few days. Remember that although this feature is already implemented in Docs, it will take a few days to reach everyone. The company says it could even take a little more than 15 days.

Image credits to The Verge.

The implementation of Markdown in Docs may be a bit different from what you are used to. In fact, generally, when writing in this format, it is displayed in plain text with Markdown elements. Additionally, in another section we see how it would look, already with the formatting applied. Concerning Google Docs, the autocorrect will replace the text in Markdown, instead of seeing a preview of how the document would look.

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Markdown is especially beneficial for users who don’t want to struggle with HTML to format text. Certainly, Markdown mainly benefits those users who don’t want to struggle with HTML to format text. Additionally, its implementation in Docs is entirely personal preference. As mentioned above, we can enable or disable it from the preferences panel whenever we want. Google assures that the feature will be disabled by default. On second thought, it is a good idea. Certainly, many users will be confused if the text changes radically when applying a ‘#’.

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