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Enjoy Arrongin Theme on Linux

Arrongin is a nice theme for painting your Linux system. It’s a slight variation of the material theme. Material themes are one of the bests till date but running the same looking themes over and over again may become boring and not appealing. Today, let’s go out of the box and enjoy this awesome, material-based theme.

Arrogin is also a must for you if you enjoy all those “flat” themes. There are also a number of other themes for adding to your collection – Papirus, Evopop and Arc etc.


If you want to install Arrogin, you have to have the following dependencies installed beforehand –

  • “gtk-murrine-engine” or “gtk2-murrine-engine”
  • Other GTK2 related engines – “gtk2-engines” or “gtk2-engines-pixbuf”

Depending on your Linux distro, these packages can be available elsewhere. For the most popular ones, run the following command for successfully installing them.

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# Ubuntu
sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf

# Debian
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf

# Fedora
sudo dnf install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines

# OpenSUSE
sudo zypper install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines

# Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines

Downloading Arrogin

Run the following commands for successfully downloading the theme –

# Traditional window buttons
wget https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1215199/startdownload?file_id=1529841626&file_name=Arrongin-Buttons-Right.tar.xz&file_type=application/x-xz&file_size=451676&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdl.opendesktop.org%2Fapi%2Ffiles%2Fdownloadfile%2Fid%2F1529841626%2Fs%2F1f0456ca4ed668a7976540be771f124a%2Ft%2F1532477431%2Fu%2F%2FArrongin-Buttons-Right.tar.xz -O Arrongin-Buttons-Right.tar.xz

# Mac-styled Window buttons
wget https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1215199/startdownload?file_id=1529841770&file_name=Arrongin-Buttons-Left.tar.xz&file_type=application/x-xz&file_size=102116&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdl.opendesktop.org%2Fapi%2Ffiles%2Fdownloadfile%2Fid%2F1529841770%2Fs%2F1f0456ca4ed668a7976540be771f124a%2Ft%2F1532477431%2Fu%2F%2FArrongin-Buttons-Left.tar.xz -O Arrongin-Buttons-Left.tar.xz

# Extra stuffs
wget https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1215199/startdownload?file_id=1523259366&file_name=Extra-2.4.tar.xz&file_type=application/x-xz&file_size=3344972&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdl.opendesktop.org%2Fapi%2Ffiles%2Fdownloadfile%2Fid%2F1523259366%2Fs%2F1f0456ca4ed668a7976540be771f124a%2Ft%2F1532477431%2Fu%2F%2FExtra-2.4.tar.xz -O Extra-2.4.tar.xz

Installing Arrogin

Extract the Arrogin archive –

tar -xvJf Extra-2.4.tar.xz

tar -xvJf Arrongin-Buttons-Right.tar.xz
tar -xvJf Arrongin-Buttons-Left.tar.xz

Move the wallpapers to “~/Pictures” –

cd ~/Extra-2.4
mkdir -p ~/Pictures/Arrongin-wallpapers/
mv *.png ~/Pictures/Arrongin-wallpapers/

Install the theme –

mkdir -p ~/.themes

# Installing on a single user
mv Arrongin-Buttons-Right ~/.themes
mv Arrongin-Buttons-Left ~/.themes

# Installing system wide
sudo mv Arrongin-Buttons-Right /usr/share/themes/
sudo mv Arrongin-Buttons-Left /usr/share/themes/

Enabling Arrogin

After everything is in place, it’s time to enable the theme. There are different methods for enabling the theme for different desktop environments. However, most of them should have “theme” or “appearance” or other related words. Just search in the launcher with these keywords.

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