Linux du (Disk Usage) is a Unix/Linux command. It used to check disk usage of files and directories on Linux system. There are many options of du commands to get different outputs which we use in below examples.
Check Directory Disk Usage Summary
So, below command is used to get the summary of disk usage of /boot directory. Its also unclude sub-directory summary.
du /boot

If you want to see a grand total disk usage of a directory, use below command where / should be your desired directory name.
du -s /boot

Check disk usage in human readable form
Now we will see disk usage of /boot directory in human readable from with grand total.
du -hs /boot

Check Disk Usage of Directories with files.
what if you wanna see that how much space is using by both, files and folders. to check that simply run below command
du -ah /boot

See Disk usage with Time
If you want to see total usage of a directory with it last modification time and date, then run following command
du -h --time /boot

Show disk space usage in KB
Simply run below command to see disk usage of a directory in kilobytes
du -k /boot

List space Usage in MB
du -mh /boot

Read manual pages using command “man du” for more information.