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Discover 5 Exclusive Features of Adobe Acrobat Reader that Make it the Ultimate PDF Viewer

The PDF format has become a standard format widely used for sharing all types of documents. Moreover, it is natively compatible with all mobile and desktop operating systems. Therefore, it is not necessary to install a third-party application to access its content. However, depending on the use we make of this type of files, it is advisable to use a specific application to interact with the file. With the launch of Microsoft Edge based on Chromium, the technology giant added support in the browser to read this file format. This compatibility has also been coming to the rest of the browsers. However, Edge offers a greater number of functions compared to the rest. Even so, the number of functions included are far from those found in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Remember that this is the application of the creator of this format. It is also free to download.

Unlock the Power of Adobe Acrobat Reader: 5 Exclusive Features You’ll Love

Here are some of the functions that we can do with the Adobe. Functions that are not available in other applications.

  • Sign documents. Signing documents is one of the most useful functions that this application offers us. This signature can be added quickly and easily to any document. In addition, it is also available in the application for iOS and Android based mobile devices.
  • Saving data in forms. Another interesting feature that is not available in most PDF readers is the ability to save the data we enter in a form in this format. This feature allows us to collect information through a simple file without the need to create an online form.
  • Adding comments. When reviewing a PDF document, if we need to add a comment, we can easily do so with the Adobe application. These comments are stored in the document in an organized way. Moreover, they are displayed in any other reader of this file format.
  • Share documents. From the application itself, we can share the document once we have added comments or entered data. Even after signing them without the need to do it from other applications.
  • View all types of content. PDF files not only allow you to add images and text. In fact, they also allow you to add all kinds of multimedia content. Moreover, this content is not reproduced in most readers of this format.

As mentioned above, Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free application that can be downloaded directly from Adobe’s website by clicking on this link. To use this application, it is not necessary to create an account. In fact, it is not part of Adobe Creative Cloud. Remember that this is Adobe’s subscription platform that gives access to Photoshop, Premiere, Lightroom, Adobe Acrobat PDF and many others.

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