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How to fix Windows problems without resetting the PC

In this post, we are going to explain some methods to fix Windows problems without resetting the PC. In each of the sections, we...

Best applications to download from the Microsoft Store

In this article, I'm going to show you which are the best apps from the Microsoft Store that you can download today. The official...

10 secrets to free up RAM on Windows and make your computer run much faster

One of the big problems faced by most users who use older or somewhat limited equipment is the high consumption of software resources. When...

DLL files: source of both problems and solutions on the PC

There are an infinite number of types of files in computing. Each one with different characteristics. Surely, the one you are most familiar with...

Why is the Windows Task Manager so useful?

Windows Task Manager is one of the oldest and most useful applications of Microsoft systems. It is intended for medium-advanced or professional users who...

10 cool features of Windows 11

Explore the hidden wonders of Windows 11. Discover 10 surprising functions that surely you did not know. In addition, they will take your experience...

Things you should never do on your PC with Windows 11

You should be careful with some actions you perform on your Windows. Indeed, they may pose a risk to your security or impair the...

Windows 11 Startup: How to Make Any Program Run Automatically

We are going to explain how to make a program start automatically when you turn on your Windows 11 computer. You probably already know...

The forgotten Windows features that can transform your PC

Often, we forget how many features exist on Windows and overlook them. In this post, you will find some forgotten features of Windows 11...

Automatically Update Your Apps with This Simple Solution

Sometimes it is tedious to have to update one by one all the applications we have on our computer. Certainly, this is the most...

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