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Set or change hostname in FreeBSD12

FreeBSD12 is just released , many people are interested to test it and maybe to run it on production Servers. let me show u...

How to Install Apache PHP7 and MariaDB on FreeBSD12

Some People are  calling this FAMP because its related to install  Apache PHP and Mysql on  Freebsd instead of Linux.  let me guide you...

How to install Foreman on Ubuntu 18.04?

Managing servers on many occasions can become a difficult task for engineers. Especially because it doesn't necessarily have to be one but several. With...

How to use Tcpdump packet analyzer

FromWikiperdia definition of this software: tcpdump is a common packet analyzer that runs under the command line. It allows the user to display TCP/IP...

How to install OrangeScrum on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS /Mint 19 / Debian 9 ?

One of the main reasons why some organizational projects do not achieve their objectives is due to lack of planning. That is why today...

5 things to do after installing Ubuntu 18.10

Ubuntu is the world's most popular Linux distribution. It is also the gateway for many new users trying something other than Windows and Mac....

How to install LibreNMS on Debian 9?

This article is intended to teach you how to install LibreNMS on Debian 9. For any system administrator it is essential to monitor the network...

Install and Configure Gitlab on Centos7

GitLab Community Edition is an open source application that allows a team to develope and manage their projects, powerful,  its robust, scalable, secure, and efficient...

How to install Flat-Remix Theme on Any Linux Distribution?

Ubuntu has changed its new default theme for version 18.10. And to tell you the truth, it looks pretty good, but some people don't...

How to install MyWebSQL on CentOS 7?

yu<?2.In this article, I will show you how to install MyWebSQL on CentOS 7. The tutorial is simple to do, but first I'll tell...

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