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How to create custom fonts on Windows.

Hello! If you use your computer for work, you may need an item whose use has been growing exponentially recently. Especially in various fields...

How to fill out a PDF form using your Android phone

Hello friends! There is a possibility to fill out a PDF form using your Android phone. On Android, it is possible to fill out...

How to find out your Android phone passes Google’s new Root Access check

Hello folks! It's no secret to anyone that Google knows Android devices that have been modified. Devices that usually have the Bootloader unlocked, Root...

How to connect your Android phone to a PC using ADB

Hello friends! Android Debug Bridge for short "ADB", is a system that allows communication and control of an Android device via command line. Although...

How to download Twitch Clips on your Android Phone

Hello friends! The world-famous live streaming platform Twitch has a feature of clips, which are usually very funny, funny parts, with some important information...

How to know if your Android phone is overheating

Hello friends! According to the ambient temperature, you may notice that your phone is hotter than usual. Since it directly influences the temperature of...

How to monitor your Android phone’s Internet traffic

Hello friends! Being able to enjoy an internet connection anywhere we go, has become a necessity and is something very common nowadays. This is...

How to install Android Accessibility Suite

Hello folks! You've probably heard of Android Accessibility Suite. But you may not know what exactly it is in the Android mobile operating system....

Shizuku: What is it and how to install it?

Hello friends! Root Access is not as widely used nowadays as it used to be. But some more advanced apps need more permissions than...

How to install Now Playing from Google Pixel on any Android

Hello friends! One of the most interesting and exclusive features of the Google Pixel is Now Playing. It is now possible to try it...

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