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3 Applications to download torrents in Linux

Downloads by torrent help not to collapse servers, especially when the files to download are too large. On the other hand, many people who...

How to install the latest PhpMyAdmin on CentOS 7?

In terms of practicality, managing MySQL data on a console is not recommended. Overotodo if you handle a lot of records and tables. For...

Debian 9.8 has been released

Debian is for me the best Linux distribution that exists. Obviously, I do not expect this to become a truth, it is just my...

FreeRadius with mysql Backend

What is Freeradius: FreeRADIUS is a yet another service that we can setup on Linux and the protocol by which - the RADIUS - we...

3 GTK themes for Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint 19

We have already talked about the ease of customization of Linux. It has become clear to us that it is an open system with...

3 icon themes for your Linux distribution

One of the best things about Linux is the ability to customize. Everyone can transform their Linux distribution any way they want thanks to...

Install ArangoDB on CentOS 7

The world spins and spins, that is to say, every time technologies and alternatives to the already existing ones arise. We live in the...

Setup VPN access provisioning server on top of Ubuntu 18.04

If you are looking for a solution that helps others to route their systems traffic via our local gateway(ISP) which acting like a proxy,...

Install Ejabberd on CentOS 7

In today's age, the age of security, many organizations like to have control of their communications. Fortunately, it has an open, secure and reliable...

Install Bareos on CentOS 7

Data backup is essential for a sysadmin and any real user of a system. Doing so will bring many advantages to our company because,...

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