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How to install RethinkDB on CentOS 7?

Database managers are an essential part of an application. Almost all use a database. In transaction systems or desktop applications, it is common to...

How to install IntelliJ IDEA on Ubuntu 18.04?

Linux is a fairly secure and stable operating system. That's why many developers use it for their daily work. It also has the advantage...

How to install LEMP on Ubuntu 18.04?

It is increasingly common to find LEMP servers on the market. This is because it allows you to have a more prepared web server...

How to install MariaDB or MySQL on Ubuntu 19.04?

In our modern distributions, the use of applications for application development is constant. So many applications have been embedded into the official repositories of...

Foremost is a great tool for recover files on Linux

Linux has fantastic tools that we can apply to our daily work. Whether you work on a server or simply on your personal computer....

How to install Roundcube on Ubuntu 18.04?

Mail clients maximize and make even more efficient the use of email services in companies. Many of them add many features that make the...

How to Install CentOS 7 Step by Step (with Pictures)

CentOS 7 is one of the most robust distributions in all of Linux. Its scope of work are servers, however, there are users who...

5 things to do after install Ubuntu 19.04

Ubuntu is together with Linux Mint the two most popular Linux distributions in the world. That has to be said. They have obtained it...

How to install the Linux Kernel 5 on OpenSUSE 15?

The Kernel Linux is one of the most important elements of the system. Because it is in charge of the interaction with the hardware....

Kubernetes 1.14 is available

In the technological world, few projects are as well known as Kubernetes. This powerful container orchestrator has been true innovation in the Linux cloud....

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