28.6 C



How to Install Zeroshell

As you browse the internet you probably don’t give much thought to how you are connected through your modem. You probably just plugged in...

How to Install GlassFish 5 on RHEL and CENTOS 8

GlassFish is an open-source application server project started by Sun Microsystems for the Java EE platform, then sponsored by Oracle Corporation, and now living...

Install the latest version of GIT on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8

Many human and technological factors are involved in the development of an application. This is because there are many tools that help make the...

How to enable the EPEL repository on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8?

Large Linux distributions have a large number of packages in their repositories. These distributions base their stability on the freezing of the versions of...

Install Elgg on RHEL and CENTOS 8 for Online Social Networking Site

In this post, you will learn how to install Elgg on RHEL and CentOS 8. Elgg is an open source social networking software that...

How to install Cezerin platform on Ubuntu 18.04?

Today much of the trade remains traditional, but every time the trend is turned to the Internet. In this sense, companies large and small,...

How to install ArangoDB on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8?

Relational database management systems dominate many segments of programming. However, it is increasingly common to see real alternatives to this type of database. Of...

Install PHPMyAdmin on Debian 10

MySQL and MariaDB are some of the most popular database managers out there. Thanks to their deep stability and the fact that they are...

Handpicked Firefox Add-ons Essentials

Your operating system is a pretty important part of your computer. Without it, your computer will simply fail to operate and be rendered useless....

Install Nextcloud on CentOS 8 /RHEL 8 / Oracle Linux 8

Nextcloud is a very useful application that allows us to create a private cloud. Thanks to it, any company can create a server dedicated...

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