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How to Install Git on Windows 10.

Let's talk a little bit about Git. This is a tool that performs a version control function on code in a distributed fashion. In...

Linux Mint 19.3 is available

Well, finally Linux Mint 19.3 is available for download. It also comes with many new features designed to further polish this major version of...

Easily synchronize your files with Syncthing on Windows 10.

Hello, how are you? File synchronization is a convenient way to access information from anywhere. In fact, with only an internet connection is possible...

Install and use PuTTY on Ubuntu 18.04 / Debian 10

If you work with SSH connections from windows it is likely that you have installed PuTTY. Well, there is also a version available for...

How to install Plesk Obsidian on Windows Server 2019

Hello! Plesk is the world's most popular control panel for hosting servers. It is one of the tools most used by programmers and web...

How To Create Wi-Fi Hotspot on Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora / CentOS / Arch

Today we are going to learn that how we can create a Wi-Fi Hotspot on our Linux systems including the major versions as Ubuntu,...

How to install CakePHP in Windows 10.

CakePHP is a free and open-source web application development framework written in PHP. Additionally, it is built on the concepts of Ruby on rails....

How to install Composer on Windows 10

Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language. Its main function is to manage or administer all those libraries that a...

Virtualbox 6.1 available

Oracle Virtualbox 6.1 is available for download and installation. This new version of the popualr application to create virtual machines comes with quite interesting...

How to customize the start menu in Windows 10.

The start menu is one of the most used elements in Windows 10. Similarly, this element has undergone a radical transformation since the first...

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