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Speed Up Ubuntu

Due to the nature of Linux, the system is pretty fast by default. It doesn’t degrade the performance like Windows over time and you...

How to install Jenkins in Ubuntu 18.04?

Continuous integration is a software development practice where team members integrate their work frequently (at least once a day, although multiple daily integrations are...

Best Email Clients for Linux

Email clients are the software that allows easier management of your email directly from your desktop, instead of opening a browser and logging into...

How to install freeIPA on CentOS 7?

FreeIPA is an integrated security information management solution combining Linux (Fedora), 389 Directory Server, MIT Kerberos, NTP, DNS, Dogtag (Certificate System). It consists of...

Pidgin Plugins in Empath Chat on Linux

For the chatters, Empathy IM is one of the best tools at hand. It’s the default IM client for GNOME desktops. However, it lacks...

Switch to ZSH on Linux

If you’re a Linux user, since the very beginning, you’re familiar with the terminal. It’s the ultimate tool that can perform almost any task....

Enjoy Unity on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Right after Ubuntu 17.10, Canonical decided a major thing – throwing away Unity and adopting the GNOME Shell. It was a logical choice as...

How to install Mesa 18.1.1 in Ubuntu 18.04?

Mesa3D is an open source graphic library, maintained by freedesktop.org. is also where the X.org and Wayland graphics servers are hosted. Mesa3D provides generic...

How to install NTP in Ubuntu server 18.04?

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is an Internet protocol for synchronizing computer system clocks through packet routing in networks with variable latency. NTP uses UDP...

How to Enjoy Electrum on Linux

In the case of Bitcoin wallets, there are tons of available options for users. There are also tons of them on Linux platform. Bitcoin...

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