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ElasticSearch Alerting

Think about a solution that keeps track incoming documents at Elasticsearch and when certain context appear system itself detect that and letting people aware...

How to remove a SAN disk or Storage device (LUN) from Linux server

In this tutorial  i will help you to remove LUN  safely  from a running system , This method should work on All Redhat based...

Setting up Mail Infrastructure on top of CentOS7

This is about setup a system infrastructure that facilitate sending & receiving mails from any compatible mail agents. To ease of understanding, I am...

Install Akaunting on Ubuntu 18.04

It's always a good idea to have applications to manage your personal or business finances. With it, you will be able to have an...

Securing Elasticsearch REST API

Why.? In my one of the previous ELK posts, we discovered the build in REST API that support out of the box in Elasticsearch. It...

Install and Configure CSF Firewall in Linux

CSF stands for ConfigServer Security & Firewall, it is Server Firewall created to provide better security for your server while giving you an easy...

How to install Sentora on CentOS 7

Sentora is a free and open source web hosting control panel developed for Linux, UNIX and BSD based servers. The Sentora software can turn...

Using HTTPie on Linux

If you are a sysadmin or you are starting to be a sysadmin, it is normal to use the terminal too much. And you...

Install CWP (Centos Web Panel) on CentOS 7

CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is a free web hosting control panel which allows easily manage multiple servers (both Dedicated and VPS) without the need...

Elasticsearch DSL Query Examples

If you have been reading my previous posts of ELK stack, you should now be comfortable on How to setup Elasaticsearch Node. What options do we...

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