20.7 C



Install Ajenti Control Panel on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint 19

Many systems need a unique interface to be able to manage them. However, when we talk about servers, we find that they do not...

Install MyWebSQL on Ubuntu 18.04?

Setting up a data server with MySQL or MariaDB is quite a simple task and we have done it many times in this blog....

install Let’s Encrypt on CentOS 7 with Apache

we  will show you How to install Let’s Encrypt on CentOS 7 with Apache.  this opensource code  of Let’s Encrypt is a completely free...

Setting up OpenLdap and phpldapadmin

What? Let me start the post saying that OpenLdap is a yet another Linux service which build on top of the LDAP protocol ( Lightweight...

Install inoERP on Ubuntu 18.04

In this modern world, it is unthinkable that an organization does not have a system to manage its processes. Fortunately, in Linux, we have...

Protect your files from accidental deletion

It seems like a lie but if you work a long time with the Linux terminal, it is very likely that at some point...

Install Mantis Bug Tracker on Ubuntu 18.04?

f you are a developer you know that bugs are always present in the process of building a program. Especially if we work as...

Building your own Wireless Access Point on top of CentOS7

Wireless is everywhere, though have you ever thought about building your own wireless access point.?Well, if you've got capable enough wireless NIC and of...

How to install PHP 7.3 on Ubuntu 18.04 / Linux Mint 19?

PHP is perhaps one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Most websites and internet applications are built using this programming language....

Install Apache Cassandra on Debian 9?

In the business world, quite special database handlers are needed. These database handlers must have the characteristic of scalability and robustness. That is why...

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