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How to Create a Self Signed Certificates with Windows Server 2019.

Hi. How are you? Let's continue exploring the features of Windows Server 2019. In this opportunity, we will talk about how to create self...

How to enable IIS in Windows Server 2019.

Hello, how are you? In this opportunity, we are going to talk about one of the functions that bring Windows Server 2019. When we...

How to install Active Directory on Windows 10.

Hello, how are you? Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 incorporates a very interesting feature called Active Directory Domain. Inasmuch as, allows you...

5 Easy Tips To Protect Your Website From Hackers

Cyber security has become increasingly important. Hence every web hosting provider has an uphill task when it comes to securing. With the increase in...

How to add Windows 10 to Windows Server 2019 domain.

Hi. How are you? A Windows domain is essentially a network of controlled computers used in a business setting. In other words, it...

PowerToys in Windows 10. How to download and configure it.

Hi. How are you? Today we are going to continue talking about the innovations that Windows 10 brings. In that sense, Microsoft Build 2019...

How to enable and use Sandbox on Windows 10

Hello, how are you today? Windows 10 is an operating system in constant growth and evolution. It is well known that, since a while...

How to set Your Phone on Windows 10

Hello! It is a real pleasure to be with you again. Technology is growing by leaps and bounds. And it is the desire of...

How to enable the remote desktop on Windows 10

Hello friends, in this opportunity, I am going to talk about the use of the remote desktop in Windows 10, and how to configure...

How to create and restore a System Image Backup on Windows 10.

Hi, I hope you're all right. Windows 10 is the most used operating system worldwide. Within that universe of users, there is a wide...

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