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How to install Percona on Ubuntu 20.04?

Hi, folks. In this post, we will show you how to install Percona on Ubuntu 20.04. With Percona you will have a relational database...

How to enable Shadow Copies in Windows Server 2019/2016

Windows Server 2019 offers a wide range of security options. However, data backup and restore are the most sensitive. Because a failure in data...

How to create a local account in Windows 10.

Hi! One of the biggest criticisms of Microsoft is the invasion of user privacy. In fact, when installing the system, it is almost mandatory...

Winstall: How to use a graphical interface with Winget.

Hi! In a previous post, we talked about the Windows Package Manager. In fact, this new tool also called Winget, is an interesting option...

How To Install R and Rstudio on CentOS 8

Today we are going to learn that how to install R & R Studio on CentOS 8. R is a famous programming language mostly...

How To Install and Configure Cacti on Ubuntu 20.04

Today we are going to learn that how to install Cacti on Ubuntu 20.04. Cacti is a totally open-source network monitoring and graphing tool...

KDE Plasma 5.19 available

KDE Plasma 5.19 has been released and although it does not incorporate many new features, it focuses on the main thing which is the...

How to install JDK on Windows 10/Server 2019

Hello! Java Development Kit (JDK) is a software that provides development tools for creating programs in Java. Additionally, it can be installed on a...

How to install and use VMware on Windows 10

Today we will talk a little about virtualization. Indeed, this is a technique that allows us to create a layer of software on which...

Install Wine 5 on Debian 10

Hi, folks. In this post, I will help you install Wine 5 on Debian 10. Wine is one of those applications that practically any Linux...

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