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Ted M


Does Microsoft Office Have A PDF Editor?

Short answer: not exactly. Let's explain! Microsoft Office does not have a PDF editor. However, it can edit PDF files - albeit with limitations. What limitations? More...

Remote Desktop Web Access 2 factor authentication: Securing Remote Access to The Enterprise Computers

With the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working became the new norm. Many businesses started to rely on more internet-connected servers that are connected to the...

Malware Blocked Internet: How to Solve the Issue

Have you been keeping up with the latest trends in technology and paying extra attention to potential cybersecurity threats? Or maybe an acquaintance of...

Dinosaur Game is Now Online

One very positive thing to come out of Steve Jobs destruction of our beloved Flash Games is the rise of HTML5 games which are...

Six Factors That Make Automation Testing a Crucial Component for a Successful Software Release

Testing is critical in any software release process because it helps identify defects and improve the final product. The goal of testing is to...

Factors to Consider When Moving to a Hyperconverged Infrastructure

The transition to a hyperconverged infrastructure can help to move quickly to a new level of organization of the IT infrastructure of a corporate...

Tips To Secure WordPress Blog In 2022

Since Google blocks numerous sites for malware and phishing daily, WordPress blog security is just critical. Although WordPress core software is incredibly secure and...

PlagiarismChecker.co – Know About its Most Used Tools

In this world full of content, the people involved in its creation are well-aware of how important it is to ensure originality. If you...

4 Tips For Businesses Looking to Improve IT Security in 2022

Today, many businesses use digital environments and access systems in every field from the IT department to the management department, from the business development...

How to Speed Up Your Website with Cloudflare?

Any website owner wants their resource to work quickly. This is far from being a whim, but an important condition for SEO. Speed affects...

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