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Building your own Wireless Access Point on top of CentOS7

Wireless is everywhere, though have you ever thought about building your own wireless access point.?Well, if you've got capable enough wireless NIC and of...

ElasticSearch Alerting

Think about a solution that keeps track incoming documents at Elasticsearch and when certain context appear system itself detect that and letting people aware...

Setting up Mail Infrastructure on top of CentOS7

This is about setup a system infrastructure that facilitate sending & receiving mails from any compatible mail agents. To ease of understanding, I am...

Securing Elasticsearch REST API

Why.? In my one of the previous ELK posts, we discovered the build in REST API that support out of the box in Elasticsearch. It...

Elasticsearch DSL Query Examples

If you have been reading my previous posts of ELK stack, you should now be comfortable on How to setup Elasaticsearch Node. What options do we...

Logstash “FILTER” in Action

This article is more about practical rather going through details, so I hope you enjoy this very much as we go through step by...

Setup Logstash and Discover its Capabilities.

In my first ELK post, we followed up "how to setup Elasticsearch/Kibana" environment. And if you go through that document may be you are...

Setting up Elasticsearch on Linux

Overview: If you are looking at options on selecting a database that is best on searching "full text" data, look no further than Elasticsearch. Now,...

How to Set up WebDAV with Apache on CentOS 7

WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an augmentation of the HTTP convention that enables clients to alter and oversee reports and files put away...

Install JetBrains PyCharm on Linux

Hello, programmers! The world of programming is always amazing, right? With the right logic and implementation, even the craziest things can happen without any...

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