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RAMpage – Rowhammer Variant Affecting Android Devices

In the world of security, there seems to be nothing so secured any more. Every now and then, there are new vulnerabilities found in...

Linux Mint 19 is about to RELEASE! (RELEASED)

Linux Mint is one of the most popular Linux distros all over the world. It is super simple and user-friendly and the user interface...

LPlayer – A Lightweight Music Player for Linux

Linux is obviously worth the title of being the lightest weight operating system. Because of its nature, Linux is also definitely a simple +...

UPnP DDoS Attacks are becoming a Reality

DDoS attacks are one of the most popular types of attacks that can bring down a website or a server and put it into...

Speed Up Ubuntu

Due to the nature of Linux, the system is pretty fast by default. It doesn’t degrade the performance like Windows over time and you...

Best Email Clients for Linux

Email clients are the software that allows easier management of your email directly from your desktop, instead of opening a browser and logging into...

Pidgin Plugins in Empath Chat on Linux

For the chatters, Empathy IM is one of the best tools at hand. It’s the default IM client for GNOME desktops. However, it lacks...

Switch to ZSH on Linux

If you’re a Linux user, since the very beginning, you’re familiar with the terminal. It’s the ultimate tool that can perform almost any task....

Enjoy Unity on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Right after Ubuntu 17.10, Canonical decided a major thing – throwing away Unity and adopting the GNOME Shell. It was a logical choice as...

Microsoft Edge Bug – Exploiting Personal Info Made Easy

A developer from Google discovered a brand new type of bug in the Edge browser that allows malicious activity without any notification of the...

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