Skype still one of the most used chat tool on the world and can be installed on many devices like Mac Linux Windows and Phones. let me show you in this topic how i get installed Skype on my Manjqro Linux 18.1 live from my Virtualbox 6.0
Please find add/remove software under your administration tools
Under options > Preferences
Under Aur repository, please Enable AUR support and check to get updates from there
Now find Skype under AUR repository
Start building the package. that will take sometimes because of extra dependencies needed for Skype
finally you can now find Skype under your application
Open up the terminal and clone the latest Skype AUR repository:
1-go to
and download latest Git url via Git client
$ git clone
2-Build the AUR package. First navigate to the directory. Then execute the makepkg command to build the Skype AUR package:
$ cd skypeforlinux-stable-bin/ $ makepkg -s
3-it will take some time to build the package and its dependencies and check if the new file has been generated
$ ls *.tar.xz skypeforlinux-stable-bin-
4-Using the pacman tool to install Skype package. Replace the package name suffix with the Skype version you have compiled previously:
$ sudo pacman -U --noconfirm skypeforlinux-stable-bin-
5-The Skype installation is now complete. Use the start menu and search for Skype to start chatting or simply start it from the command line:
$ skypeforlinux
Please enjoy
? No off this comand working!