17 C
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Install Google Chrome in Archlinux and Manjaro Linux

Firefox is using 100% CPU in my Desktop. i though maybe its time to switch to another browser like Chrome or Opera Browser and see the differences. in  my case Manjaro Linux firefox browser is standard  installed with the os but  im not  really happy with performance.

Lets me show you how to Install Google Chrome in Archlinux and Manjaro Linux


Please find  add/remove software under your administration tools

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Under  options >  Preferences

Under Aur repository, please Enable AUR support  and check to get  updates from there

Please apply and back to find google-chrome under packages

Select the Package to buid

Building the package

Now check if Chrome has been installed and  run it


to install Google-chrome you need to install Git Client

you can install git with this command

sudo pacman-S git

Go to Google Chrome AUR repository at https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/google-chrome/  and you should see the following page

Please clone the  git  url with this command

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/google-chrome.git

Go to  google-chrome directory

Please build the package for Archlinux/Majaro Linux using the command makepkg -s

 makepkg -s

The makepkg  Command will build the package inside  the same directory  that  you can install   with command sudo pacman -U file.tar.xz

 sudo pacman -U google-chrome*.tar.xz

Please  Enjoy   your Installed  Google Chrome Browser in Archlinux or Manjaro

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