Employees are the heart of an organization and it is necessary to have an application capable of managing all the processes pertaining to this area. So, that’s why in this article you can learn how to install Sentrifugo HRMS in Ubuntu 18.04?
Sentrifugo HRMS is a human resources management software. It has extensive features and functions that allow medium and large companies to have everything to effectively manage the business processes of employees.
One of its most salient features is that it is very configurable to the needs of each organization. So, it is highly probable that you will be able to use it in your company without any problem.
Of course, this brilliant software can be installed on a Linux server, because it has a web application to manage it. It also uses MariaDB as a database manager to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
Now, you going to install Sentrifugo on Ubuntu 18.04.
0. Prerequisites
Although it is a fairly complete software in its area, its installation is not difficult to do. However, it’s a good idea to know a few things:
- To install Sentrifugo it is necessary to execute commands as superuser.
- To have a certain knowledge of the use of the terminal simplifies a lot of the steps.
- You must have a computer with Ubuntu 18.04 ready and ready for installation.
Let’s start.
1. Upgrade the system
The first step to install Sentrifugo in Ubuntu 18.04 is to update the system. With this, the security of the system is improved and the last security patches are obtained.
:~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Already with the updated system, you can continue with the installation
2. Install Apache2 web server
Sentrifugo’s Front-end is based on a web application, that’s why you need to install a web server. In this article, I will work with apache.
:~$ sudo apt install apache2
At the end of the installation, enable the apache service to start at system startup.
:~$ sudo sytemctl enable apache2 :~$ sudo systemctl start apache2
Now you can continue the installation.
3. Install PHP
Your web application is developed with PHP, so the next step is to install this programming language.
:~$ sudo apt install php7.2 libapache2-mod-php7.2 php7.2-common php7.2-mbstring php7.2-xmlrpc php7.2-soap php7.2-gd php7.2-xml php7.2-intl php7.2-mysql php7.2-cli php7.2 php7.2-ldap php7.2-zip php7.2-curl
To check that Apache and PHP are running normally. Create a file named example.php
in /var/www/html
and add the following.
:~$ sudo nano /var/www/html/example.php
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Now, go to the web browser and open it. http://IP_SERVER/example.php
. You will see this:
Apache and PHP are installed correctly.
4. Install MariaDB
Sentrifugo HRMS uses as database manager MariaDB. So you have to install it and do a little configuration.
:~$ sudo apt install mariadb-server
When you finish installing MariaDB, you have to define a root password and other tweaks. Run:
:~$ sudo mysql_secure_installation
In this case, after defining the root password I answered: Y, N, Y, Y.
Then, enable the MariaDB service.
:~$ sudo systemctl enable mariadb :~$ sudo systemctl start mariadb
Now you can access the MariaDB console and create the database that Sentrifugo will use. As well as the username and password of a new MariaDB user.
:~# sudo mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE sentrifugodb; USE sentrifugodb; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sentrifugodb.* TO 'sentrifugouser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sentrifugopss'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit;
MariaDB is ready for action.
5. Install Sentrifugo
Now we can download and install Sentrifugo. First, place it in the /tmp
folder and then proceed to download it.
:~$ cd /tmp :~$ wget http://www.sentrifugo.com/home/downloadfile?file_name=Sentrifugo.zip -O Sentrifugo.zip
Then, uncompress the file:
:~$ unzip Sentrifugo.zip
The next step is to copy the unzipped folder to /var/www/html/sentrifugo
so that it is available on the web server.
:~$ sudo cp -r Sentrifugo_3.2 /var/www/html/sentrifugo
Then, change the owner of the folder.
:~$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/sentrifugo/
And finally, change the permissions:
:~$ sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/sentrifugo/
After doing this, edit the file /var/www/html/sentrifugo/application/configs/application.ini
and make the following change
:~$ sudo nano /var/www/html/sentrifugo/application/configs/application.ini
phpSettings.error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
Finally, enable the rewrite module and restart apache.
:~$ sudo a2enmod rewrite :~$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
Now, you can go to your web browser to complete the installation. HTTP:/IP_SERVER/sentrifugo
6. Complete the installation
The first screen begins to check all the requirements to complete the installation.
After clicking Next, you have to write the previously created MariaDB credentials.
Then, you must specify your email address. I recommend Gmail. Of course in the image is not written a Gmail to avoid having to give my address, but I repeat it is recommended to use Gmail for Sentrifugo.
Then, you have to configure the Mail Server settings:
If you’re using Gmail, then the options are as follows:
Authentication type: True User name: "Your email" Password: "Your password" SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com Secure Transport Layer: tls Port: 587
When you configure the mail server correctly, you will see this screen.
Once the installation is finished, you will be presented with a screen with the username and password to use. You will see the link to start logging into the application.
Then, you can log in and see the application dashboard.
And that’s it.
It is easy to install Sentrifugo HRMS on a Linux Ubuntu 18.04 server, but it is helpful if you require a system capable of managing employee processes.
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